thankfull for my life

Jan 13, 2009 01:15

so last night me and dave were leaving the hookah bar, and were drivin by college hill going straight on the road going maybee 35 and a jeep is sitting at a redlight and we see him he had a redlight so we dirve by and he PULLS OUT AND FUCKING HITS US makes the car do a 360 and i definitly hit my head cuz i dont remeber a whole lot after ...there was a camera where he did it so hopefully he got caught because he did a fucking hit and run..dave said his car is destroyed and i dont even want to imagine what it looks like cuz i barely saw any of it i got right on an ambulance..while we were waiting 4people came over to see if we were okay i guess they saw the whole of them was my friend Frank...thank god he was there calming me down because i was in major shock and panicking i get to the hospital and got on an ambulance in a stretcher alone scariest experience of my life.. and i waited for 5hours had to get around 7 xrays and a ton of cts because i wasnt wearing my seatbelt...they had to give me a shot of a painkiller last night which freaked me out more because everyone knows i have a HUGE fear of needles.and i guess all in all i had a concussion and re-broke my collarbone which i need to have operated on in may=[ also because there is a lump behind it...i have known this since last summer but i figured it would be fine but the doctor last night told me i need to get it removed =/ hopefully everything's good with that.
i woke up today and it literally made me want to puke when i had to think...the doctor said i would be confused and have trouble thinking for a few days if it lasts longer they gotta CT my brain. i didnt know the date the night of or on percoset right now which is really helping more pain for now..feeling good for the first time since last night
i really appreciate my life now, because i thought this accident was going to end it. im never going anywhere without my seatbelt from now on .and i love my family and friends who have been there for me and helped me love you all , marco and his gf rachel who stayed in the hospital with me from9pm-2am even though she had class at 7am i love you both , my mom , everyone who contacted me in some way being there for me, anne, beckie,joe sheena, LB ,marc,sammy,everyone else you know who you are if it wasnt for my friends and family i would be going crazy..
i havent left my bed i dont want to think about what im going to do for work right now im focusing on my health..i called my job and they asked me if i was going to be ok to come in the next day..i have a 4day note and a splint on so idk wat im gna do after the 4days cuz i gota wear this lovely blue idk what work im gonna be able to do..obviously i have to wear this damn thing i have a lump behind the break which makes it worse.
i really know im alive because my dad was watching over really are an angel i love you more than you could ever knew it wasnt my time yet..ill be ready to come live with you when it is ..i love you my guardian angel <3
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