Apr 27, 2006 08:20
so yeah im pretty mad..i had all this figured out how id pay for stuff for prom and my cell fone, well now my mom says i wont have enough money for both so i have to wait til after prom to get a cell fone!!!! kinda makes me mad >:O and upset cuz i was so excited..so no wi have to wait tl my next pay after prom which isnt for 2 weeks after prom...... ughhhhhh...im so irritated..
well on the good side, jordan came down to work last night to get the paper for prom :]he stayed, signed it, and visited me :) im going shopping for a prom dress tomorrowww :] kinda excited about that..well it would be better if i was ognna have a cell fone to take with me..hmm guess not..
only 16 more dayssss :-D
♥ ♥
anyone else agree that the background for pictures is retarded.
as well as how we have to have a ''appointment'' for pics!? kinda queer?