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Jan 30, 2005 08:42

hOw CuTe iZ dat?? LoL oLd skO0l suMMa o4 sHyt.. 8.13.o4 FrIdAy dA 13tH
M05T P0PP!N dAy oF thA suMMa.. tU saBEz niKKa.. nE waY 36 dayZ tiL fLakeZ gEtz hEr L'z .. i updAted ma cpixeL n sHyt laSS niGht.. haDDa hOlla at aLL ma seXXi NiKKaz nd teLL eM iMMMM baaaaaaaaCk..

MaH niGGa KiKe iZ styL in eCuad0r..
i miSS dat niGGa .... ALOT
i neEda caLL hiM
hE kePt hiZ pr0miSe thOu <33
hE kaLLd mE <33
LOL.. i thinK hE coMMiN hOme in mArcH
iF n0t deN.. apriL...
oOoOo0h bOyyyyy =]

nE waYz fuK b!tCheZ.. w0rd iz bond ashLey love tO0 hate on me and flakez.. but das w.e waiT tiL sHe c me and fLakeZ in da wHiPPP... J.O.S.E niGGa.. jeLouS oNeZ STiLL ENVi .. itZ aiiGht thOu hOlla @ mE.. coMMeNt aiiGht?

<33 dA iNfaMouZ CASP3R, BuTTeRsCotCh, aMbSz
oR w.E eLse deM hEadz b sCrEaMiN ...1nZ <33+
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