This past weekend was amaaaaazing.
Friday: drove home with the girls (Shelley and Bri), and got ready to go out. Ate dinner with the fam at Times Square *yum* and then left for CANANADA!!! We got to Bentley's and I got in on Brianne's old license, and the bouncer was like "happy bday!" (Bri's bday was thurs) and then 2 min later she came in and he said the same to her haha. We spent the night chillin out and dancing and trying different drinks. It was a blast! The car ride home was fun too, and Coney was yummy for one chicken tender. Baby, I love you. You're the greatest!:)
Saturday: woke up and cleaned a bit, chilled with my dad over ringtones, and then went with my mom and Kate for a bit of shopping. That only lasted a 1/2hourish seeing as I needed to go to Don's. Don and I went to the Palace for the Pistons/Miami Heat game, it was GREAT! Got a bunch of pix and then went to his house to watch "Wet Hot American Summer" (the original Napoleon Dynamite). What a night!
Sunday: woke up at 5:30am with the worst cramps imaginable. Thankgoodness for mommies with great pill concoctions that let me sleep. Woke up at 10 and went GoKarting with dad. Said goodbye to Mom and went to Lakeside with Ry. Good times :). Then home to leave for school with the girls. Stopped by Don's to pick up my makeup bag, and then proceeded to trash my room even more, not unpack, and stay up till 2 doing jack shit.
Now here in Mt.P back to the daily grind :( Oh wells! Halloween weekend is approaching! Ryan's coming out Thursday night, and Saturday all old crew is tailgating before the game. Sunday night is the Wayside with everyone for the costume party! What a weekend to look forward to!