The First Time [1/1]

Nov 29, 2012 13:58

Title The First Time [1/1]
Fandom The Avengers
Rating R
Pairing Clint/Natasha
Summary The thing that was so awkward about the fact they were about to actually, make love with each other was they knew each other so well. They know each other's hopes, dreams and fears. It was a terrifying concept to know they were moving from a level of partners to LOVERS....everything was going to change between them...and it was far more terrifying than an assignment that could kill them both.
Warnings None
Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters in this fic, this event is just a part of my imagination
Notes: Written for a prompt on comment_fic and Woot! MY FIRST CLINTASHA FIC -DANCES-

The first time Clint and Natasha slept together, it was very awkward. It wasn't like they were virgins, Natasha had her fair share of men she slept with whether it was for missions or her own pleasure and Clint, well....he had his fair share of women. He was a wild child back in his old days trying to mask of the terrible accident that killed his parents and left him 80 percent deaf. Sleeping with other people were one of his many destructive coping mechanisms.

The thing that was so awkward about the fact they were about to actually, make love with each other was they knew each other so well. They know each other's hopes, dreams and fears. It was a terrifying concept to know they were moving from a level of partners to LOVERS....everything was going to change between them...and it was far more terrifying than an assignment that could kill them both.

Clint lied naked on the bed as he watched Natasha undressed. She was still uncomfortable exposing her breasts to him so she wore he lacy bra. She pulled off her underwear and made her way towards him. Her red curly hair flowed freely as she made her way towards him. She squatted down on him, her long built legs rested on either side of his hips.

She rested her hands flat on his chest and leaned forward, moving in to kiss him. The silky red Her face hovered over his...but she stopped the moment their lips were only a breath away.

"Nat whats wrong?" Clint said raising an eyebrow.

"Are you scared?" Natasha asked.

"A bit....and you?"

She turned her head away. All those years in the red room, she couldn't admit she was scared. Fear was for the weak. Clint took her hand in his own and kissed it.

"Nat its okay," He said.

"Its just that....things are going to change." Natasha replied looking straight into his eyes.

"If you are not ready..."

"No....I am....I wanted this for a long time."

He took her face in both her hands and kissed her gently.

"And so did I"

Lips began colliding with passion as their bodies intertwined. Moans began leaving each other's lips. They thought it would be wrong....something sinful...but it wasn't.

This felt just right.

fandom: the avengers, ficlet, pairing: clint/natasha, challenge: comment_fic

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