Letting Go [1/1]

Nov 25, 2012 20:14

Title Letting Go [1/1]
Fandom Torchwood
Rating PG
Pairing Jack/Ianto impled Ianto/Lisa
Summary Ianto comes clean about Lisa without all the drama in Cyberwoman and makes a difficult decison.
Warnings Character Death
Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters in this fic, this event is just a part of my imagination
Notes: Written for tvholics Abed Nadir challenge,
Dedication:This fic is unfortunately inspired by a recent true incident....so it was a bit more personal to write, so I write this fic in memory of my friend Sydne, who was taken from us this week.....Sydne I know you didn't watch Torchwood...but I hope you enjoy this fic X3.

"Ianto what are you doing?"

Ianto felt stupid about letting Gwen following him. He was usually so careful! But it was probably everything with Suzie that threw him off. There was two options...lie or reveal the truth.

Ianto sighed.He couldn't lie anymore.

"Get Jack," He said, "I have something to tell you all."


The team looked around with both shock and fascination as they looked at Lisa's body lying on the table, connected by cybernetics. Gwen of course being new was confused. But Ianto was surprised they were quiet and understanding at the same time. Jack seemed especially understanding as he looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

"I couldn't just leave her," Ianto continued running a hand against Lisa's forehead, "I thought she was still human....and I had hopes....that maybe there's a cure."

It was silent for a moment, just the sound of monitors spoke. Jack finally walked over to Ianto and touched his shoulder.

"Ianto," He said, "I know how hard this is for you....to let go..but you have to...there is no cure for this and the longer you leave her the longer she suffers....if you love her....you...you have to let her go."

Ianto's eyes watered as he looked down at Lisa. He had worked so hard to keep her alive! He couldn't just let her go! After all he fought for. It would be a waste. But at the same time he had to listen to Jack's words. He closed his eyes for a moment and pictured himself there for a moment.

He felt the pain and the agony she was enduring laying on that table. He bit his lip knowing she was suffering....suffering deeply. He couldn't let it happen anymore.

He stepped back sighing deeply.

"You're right," Ianto said voice cracking. "I can't help her anymore."

Jack nodded his head and turned his head to Owen.

"Are you sure about this Ianto?" Owen asked.

Ianto gulped, hesitating for a moment. But as Jack grabbed his hand rubbing his palm lovingly and Gwen and Tosh came to his side rubbing his shoulder he realized...what was more important. He had people here that care he can rebuild his life.

"Yes Owen," Ianto said squeezing Jack's hand tightly, it was his only life line. "Pull the plug."

Owen took a sharp breath as he disconnected Lisa's life support. All stood in silence as her life slipped away. And as the heart monitor flatlined, Ianto buried his face in Jack's shoulder and sobbed. He almost jumped when he felt his hand touch his back.

"It's going to be okay Ianto...she's no longer suffering." Jack said.

Ianto nodded his head. It didn't mask his pain....but being in Jack's comforting arms.....eased it a little.


"Goodbye Lisa," Ianto said as he zipped the bag. It took him a moment but he finally shut the drawer locking Lisa away forever.

He sighed and turned around, Jack was standing there, hands in his pockets.

"You are going to be okay," he asked, "you need a few days off? Well jus have Gwen do your job!"

A slight smile formed on Ianto's face.

"No I'll be okay, Lisa...would have wanted me to move on....besides the coffee isn't gonna make itself."

A chuckle left Jack's lips as a slight smile formed on his face as well. He studied the other man's face for a moment. For the first time...he looked relaxed, most of all free.

"Well then I have one request Ianto Jones..live...live for Lisa."

Ianto smile became wider as Jack patted him on the shoulder.

"Now go make some of that coffee magic," He said.

Ianto nodded his head and took a few steps before turning to face Jack.



Ianto took Jack's face in his hands and gave him a small kiss on his lips.

"Thank you."

Ianto let go of Jack and walked away with a smile on his face. All things considered things were looking up already.

ficlet, challenge: tvholics, pairing: jack/ianto, fandom: torchwood

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