But I Remember Everything [1/1]

Jan 21, 2012 17:59

Title But I Remember Everything [1/1]
Fandom Stargate Atlantis
Rating PG-13
Pairing John/Elizabeth
Summary Elizabeth wanders into John's room to comfort herself after watching John being fed off of by a wraith a third time. Takes Place During Common Ground
Warnings Triggering Thoughts
Disclaimer Unless I was god I do not sadly own the Franchise.
Notes: Written for the Missing Scene Challenge for stargateland

Two hours, that’s how long Elizabeth had to prepare herself to say goodbye. Rodney offered to be with her to help her through it, despite the fact he was in as much pain as she was. But no, she wanted to be alone. To hide away and wallow in her own misery. She couldn’t look weak. She was their leader. What would she look like to everyone if she cried?

Usually when she was sad she would crawl into her room and hide under the covers like a child and just wail. But this time was different. This time Elizabeth found herself wandering into John’s room. The moment she walked in music began to play. Rodney had programmed his room to do that.

She half expected a happy and joyful Johnny Cash song to play. But no, the moment it played she knew it was a dark Nine Inch Nails song, which Cash eventually covered. A perfect song to fit the sad mood that coursed through her body.

She walked around the room a bit. The room was in the same state as it was before he left. The bed was unmade. Clothes were scattered all over various places on the floor. His book, his favorite book, War and Peace was laid flat on the night table marking its place where it was. It was if he knew he was coming home all fine and dandy.

But he wasn’t. He was going to die alone, bound, gagged and humiliated over the spat between two men. The thought made her angry. Angry at Kolya for putting her in this position to the point that if he walked in through that door she would snap his neck with her bare hands. Angry at Ladon for making the stupid decision to cross a psychopath.

But anger also mixed with sadness. Elizabeth had the chance to stop it. The chance to disobey John’s commands and hand over Ladon Radim in an instant. Now she regretted it. But there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do now is wait.

She unconsciously picked up one of John’s discarded T-shirts from off the floor. There was another regret she had. This tragedy had to come long before the romantic relationship had time to even blossom. It’s funny how fate works. But if Elizabeth knew moments before he stepped through the gate that this would be the last time she would ever see him, she would have told him that their time together was short….but was the greatest time of her life.

She sat on the bed and brought his black t-shirt to her nose. She took a deep and long inhale taking any lingering scent that remained.

“Oh John,” she whispered, “I am so sorry.”

And burying her face in her hands, she spent the next two hours sobbing and mourning over his loss.

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

challenge: stargateland, character study, pairing: john/elizabeth, fandom: stargate atlantis

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