just wanted ya`ll t0 kn0w that j0rdan bass's little br0ther turner is the cutest little guy in the w0rld. haha. d0n't y0u think??
well yesterday was fun (m0nday) .. i w0ke up , g0t ready and went t0 kelly's h0use t0 w0rk 0n health with kelly, michael, h0pe, and j0rdan. we w0rked 0n s0 much 0f that crap. then michael had t0 leave t0 g0 t0 w0rk0uts. we played with kel's little br0ther j0hn all day. he is ad0rable. then i had t0 leave t0 g0 t0 the d0ct0r. after the d0ct0r, my m0m and i went back t0 kelly's t0 pick up kelly, j0rdan, and h0pe. after that, we went t0 m0e's. then we went back t0 my h0use. we w0rked 0n s0me m0re health f0r a g00d while. we g0t s0 0ut 0f it. haha. it was great. then j0rdan left with matt, and me, h0pe, and kel c0ntinued t0 w0rk 0n health. after that, mas0n came 0ver. then michael and billy g0t there b0ut an h0ur later. b0ut 20 minutes after that bubba, rishard, and charles came. we ate pizza and just hung 0ut. they left ar0und 11:00ish. just wanted t0 say HAPPY BIRTHDAY t0 BUBBA. he's 16 n0w. bubba, y0u are the best. thanks s0 much f0r everything. i w0uldn't be here t0day with0ut y0u. y0u've helped me s0 much in life. lunch is g0nna be fun! i l0ve y0ur truck! tehe. well that night went well. i went t0 bed at ab0ut 1:00. i fell asleep 0n t0p 0f my health. haha. n0w it's tuesday and i g0t up at 7:00 t0 g0 up t0 the sch00l s0 i didn't have t0 take my test f0r health t0day. i`m taking it thursday. that is a BIG relief. mrs d0r0ugh is s0 sweet. she l0ves me. haha. she even gave me a hug. after that, me and h0pe went t0 mcd0nalds. n0w it's 8:30 and i`m b0ut t0 lay d0wn till 9:30 then start getting ready t0 take bubba t0 lunch f0r his birthday that was yesterday. it's g0nna be s0 much fun. haha. bubba y0u crack me up. well i`m g0nna g0 lay d0wn. i h0pe ya`ll all have a great day. G0d l0ves y0u!
[and i`m finally happy]-->Beth
mas0n-> y0u're the best. last night was s0 much fun. thanks =]
haha. that's the dress i w0re t0 pr0m. and that's the dress j0j0 w0uld have w0rn if she was g0ing. she l0ved it. well, these are REALLY OLD pictures ... but i just f0und them s0 i th0ught i`d be c00l and p0st them. haha. me and j0j0 had s0 much fun that day l00kin f0r my pr0m dress. =]