Sep 08, 2005 00:16
Well .. t0day didn't g0 s0 well, but it ended up 0k. So, i w0ke up, g0t ready, then bubba came and picked me up t0 take me t0 sch00l. I g0t t0 sch00l and sat in the hall with pe0ple till the bell rang. Then i went t0 all my classes, and slept in m0st 0f them. I was s0 w0rn 0ut. Then i went t0 v0lleyball. We had practice then went 0ut 0n the track and ran f0r a little bit. After that, i dr0ve t0 back yard burger, then church. I g0t there, ate, changed, then helped 0ut with s0me stuff. Then church started at 7:00. We had 88 pe0ple t0night! It was awes0me! I was kinda stressed 0ut t0night ab0ut a l0t 0f stuff s0 i just sat in the back. After church, we went t0 eat at aladins. Misty let me drive there. tehe. And Leanne dr0ve J0hn's car t0 aladins with him and mad t! (mad t deffinately hit me in the face with a ball, it felt WONDERFUL. tehe. j/k mad t. it wasn't y0ur fault )Tried t0 eat at aladins, but i have 6, YES 6, fever blisters fr0m being in the sun t00 much at the lake. S0 i sat with j0hn, misty, kristy, and ashley. R0nnie, J0hn, and Mis really helped me 0ut. Things were 0k and i just layed my head d0wn cause i was tired. Then as i was getting up t0 g0, MISTY SAT D0WN IN HER METAL CHAIR THAT WAS 0N T0P 0F MY F00T. Yes, i started crying. It hurt s0 bad. Then i g0t in the car and cried the wh0le way h0me. That was n0 fun. I think i just needed t0 cry really. Yah my f00t hurt, but i always h0ld back the tears and i just needed t0 let it 0ut t0night. I'm 0k n0w th0ugh. Just a lil w0rn 0ut. Just talked t0 bub. He cheered me up. He's the best. And t0 end 0n a g00d n0te, i'm g0ing t0 h0mec0ming at h0mew00d with hunter white(0ne 0f my BEST FRIENDS at church). That sh0uld be fun! He's c00l! Well yah i g0tta g0 finish math, take a sh0wer, study f0r german math and bi0l0gy, then g0 t0 sleep and wake up early t0 get t0 sch00l early f0r a test. FUN! haha. G00dnight. I l0ve y0u, Beth.
P.S. Bub, y0u're the best =]