Went t0 Dayt0na f0r a missi0n trip... it was AMAZING!
Brian, Rafe, Me, MaCall, H0pe, and Tamere!
Brian, me, and Rafe!
Me and J0hn!
Me, R0nnie, and Jerry!
Hunter and Me
Me, Brian, and H0pe!
Madis0n Simm0ns and Me
That trip went well. We all had 0ur ups and d0wns ... but in the end we were all a wh0le. Every0ne that went --> i had a blast! G0d really placed each and every0ne 0f us 0n that trip f0r a reas0n. He really w0rked thr0ugh all 0f us. It was amazing. There are s0 many mem0ries i can't even list them all but i'll try --> Rafe kicking c0urtney in the back with a s0ccer ball, rafe spraining my ankle 5 minutes later, "Yay G0d" snap snap snap, "0hh Ahh it's time f0r ann0ucements," "Heck yes g0sh!" with sally imitating LOUD chad, r0nnie running fr0m a fr0g, brian at the black church, me messing with j0hn the last night when i was REALLY hyper, the leaders washing 0ut feet, prayer gr0ups, g00d r00ms, misty and i being silly, sally elder talking t0 her man 0n the ph0ne, "uHh", "w0 w0 w0!", hunter and misty's c0rn pe0ple, hunter and i uhh nevermind haha, rafe's crack, r0n'dizzle dancing in the car, hunter getting everyb0dy weak, hunter singing his s0ng and getting every0ne in the r00m t0 laugh, madis0n 0n her cellllllll ph0ne, jamie and michelle talking t0 their men 0n the ph0ne ... the list just gets l0nger. Well g00d times g00d times! G0d really blessed us thr0ugh0ut that week and still c0ntinues t0 d0 the same as we speak! He is m0re than en0ugh! I l0ve y0u, Beth