Aug 18, 2005 23:18
Live each day like it's y0ur last .. because n0 0ne is pr0mised t0m0rr0w
I d0n't even kn0w where t0 begin. G0d has d0ne s0 much in my life. I've gr0wn s0 cl0se t0 Him. I have c0me t0 realize that life is g0ing t0 be 0k with0ut my dad. He's a want n0t a need. All i need is G0d and i'm g0nna be 0k. G0d has really taught me a l0t. He never leaves me, and He'll always be here. S0medays i l00k back 0n my life when i wasn't a christian, and i really d0n't see h0w i g0t thr0ugh it. G0d makes life s0 much m0re enj0yable. I am here 0n earth t0 live f0r Him, and t0 try t0 be m0re like Him. Each day i strive t0 be like Him. He is m0re than w0rds c0uld ever explain. Each day i wake up t0 live it f0r Him. He has w0rked thr0ugh me t0 reach 0ut t0 0ther pe0ple. Church is n0w n0t s0mething i have t0 g0 t0, it's s0mething i want t0 g0 t0. I l0ve every0ne there and it alm0st brings me t0 tears when i have t0 leave. It's my fav0rite place t0 be. G0d has really blessed me with a great gr0up 0f friends. M0untain T0p is just the best. Well, i c0uld type f0r years and years but i g0tta g0. G0d Bless, Beth.
P.S. If y0u are n0t a christian, if y0u d0n't understand what it means, etc. Tell me, and i w0uld l0ve t0 talk t0 y0u ab0ut it. N0 pressure, if y0u d0n't want t0, by all means, y0u d0n't have t0... i l0ve y0u =]