Nov 29, 2006 20:55
Last night, as I was about to get into bed, I was somewhat surprised to hear our downstairs neighbor pounding on the ceiling. I'm not sure if it was the woman who actually lives there or her boyfriend. I should try to think of good nicknames for the women downstairs. Fatty and Trashy were one thought, but I think Fatty is even trashier than Trashy, so that doesn't work. Our landlord once referred to them as Tiny and The Other One. But that doesn't really express my ire for either of them. Anyway, Fatty has the room below ours. She has expressed her anger by pounding on the ceiling once before. That time is was 2:30am, so it is somewhat understandable, however, we weren't really making much noise. Mostly walking around in our bedroom. Last night I was speaking at a conversational volume. I don't think I normally speak all that loudly (let me know if I do and I'll work on that). It was about 11:45 when the pounding came last night. The sad thing about this is that when they first moved in, they would come home between 1 and 2am every night, drunk and screaming outside our window. I can't hear them talking, so I can only imagine that she is upset by our footsteps. Our floor does squeak. But if you're going to play crappy music with the bass turned up and smoke right outside our open window, you're gonna have to put up with our squeaky floor. What I wouldn't do to have the old neighbors back.