Wow, it's almost August already?

Jul 30, 2007 07:23

They weren't kidding when they said time flies after having a baby.
Anya is still not taking the bottle and I've given up on trying to give it to her because there really isn't a need for her to have one, yet. I am still working from home and when I do go into the office, I bring her with me. Anya does great in the office. She doesn't fuss much and I get a lot of visitors. Her little interruptions to play, feed, or change her diaper help make the day go by fast.
She's on a pretty regular schedule now. Most days it is easy to predict when her nap times are, altho some days she seems more active than others. Bedtime is always the same. She goes to sleep at around 9 pm and depending on how well she is swaddled, she won't wake up until 6 or 7 in the morning. If she's not swaddled well, she'll wake up at 4 am and then go back down until 7. She doesn't sleep in our bed anymore. She sleeps in the cradle/swing that we have which means that cuddling and such is back in the program. Heh. :-)
11 pounds is what she weighs now and she's sporting size 2 diapers. She's already growing out of her 0-3 month outfits and into her 3-6 month wardrobe. Her face is filling out. I can see that she's going to have my chin, for sure.
I've recently been on a mission for any rashes or crusties. I've found cradle cap crusty spots right behind her ears. Odd. Then, her forehead gets bumpy and flakey if I don't oil it every day. What's really bothering me is the skin on her neck. She's got so much skin and fat under her chin that the creases of her neck are hidden. It never gets any air and cleaning in those folds has been difficult. She really doesn't like me trying to get it there...but I must! It gets grody. Her nails grow fast, too...seems like I'm clipping them every day. If I don't she gouges out a chunk of her face.
She laughed for the first time on Saturday. I got two laughs out of her and haven't heard any more since. I'm wondering when it will happen again and I'm looking forward to more laughter in the house! She talks a lot: goos, gaas, ahs, ah-boos, a-yee-oo, buh-we. She also foams at the mouth and blows bubbles. She likes to play a form of peek-a-boo with her burp cloths and she enjoys singing songs with us. When we're cooking in the kitchen, she wants to watch us while she sits in her bouncer. Her eyes will follow our movements and she'll talk the whole time.

Oh ya, my jaw is back in took about two weeks for it to heal. I've figured out that sleeping on my right side more than a night messes it up.

n8 and I are doing our own "clean sweep" of the house. We worked on the basement this weekend and are almost done. There are a few more boxes to go through, but we've got rid most of the stuff. It's nice...when I go down there, I feel like I can breathe. I plan on using the fresh open area as a playroom for Anya.
I also cleaned out my clothes. I took everything out of the closet and dressers. Then, I made a huge pile for donation and put back clothes that I really wanted to keep. I filled two construction sized garbage bags for donation! No more clothes clutter in the bedroom. Yes! It's soo nice. The piles were getting riduculous. All of the junk and clutter building in the house was really stressing us out.

I haven't lost any more weight since the whopping 25 pounds that I lost after two weeks of Anya's birth. So, I've started to go to this aerobics class at the recreation center. It's a "Mommy & Me" class where we bring our babies in on a stroller and walk/run on the indoor track for twenty minutes and then we go into a classroom where we do strength training with our babies for the remaining half an hour. I went for the first time last Thursday. I am sooo out of shape and I was soo sore all weekend. It feels good to get active again, tho. It's fun to go with Anya...I'm going to keep it up...every Tuesday and Thursday.
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