Jan 25, 2004 00:26
I had this all planned out. I knew exactly what I was gonna say and it all made sense in my head. But that was days ago and now im not sure how to start again. Well it all started on Wednesday when I left for D.C. with some kids from my class and over 400 other high school kids from around here. We left on wed night and got there at 6:00 in the morning on Thursday. When we were told to wake up we were on a road facing the capital. It was so cool, bec it was still dark out and there were lights shining on the capital building. The way it reflected off the building and the trees and dark around it made it look really cool. We got off the buss and went to get our breakfast at this really really nice hotel. We entered this huge room where they gave us our food and where our congressman and some senators talked to us. They told us about the pro-life stuff going on in the government and what they are trying to pass. They informed us that they have recently passed a law against partial birth abortion (I was very very happy to hear that, that is the worst and most un-human thing I think that was ever legal in the US)so we heard them talk for a bit and then soon went out to explore for a bit. We went and saw the Washington monument, rode the subway, went the holocaust museum, and a bunch of other cool stuff. We were told to meet our group at 12 when the march was so post to start. So we did that but of course like we were told it didn’t start for like 2 hours. So we sat around and talked to ppl who have been to this thing for many years. They lets us know how it worked and what all goes on. It made me feel really good because people were always asking where we came from, and when we told them from northern Kentucky they would thank us and tell us how good of ppl we were to come this far and do so much just to be part of something like this that we really believe in. then he went on to say that this year is the biggest year he can ever remember, he said he thought it was the best turnout he has ever seen. He said there are always hundreds of thousands of people there but this year was extra big. But I couldn’t help but wonder why none ever heard about this. It is a very big thing that many ppl take part of but is never covered by the media. This man told us that every year he watches the news and they say that just a few thousand ppl show up and they down play it really bad. I think its bec it so peaceful. There are no fights or ppl yelling at other ppl or ppl getting hurt, all the ppl that show up come because they love life and want to share it. When the media comes in is when it the other way, they would b there if ppl died or we broke stuff and lit it on fire, or if we hated….like the protest ppl see are the ones where ppl have signs that say “God hates fags” and stuff that put ppl down. But this was not like this at all. We had signs that said “God is Love” and God loves all, and God loves life and peaceful stuff. But ppl don’t think that. Ppl think that we hate ppl who don’t think like us and don’t want to hear their side and always think we are right…but look at what on of the papers said that someone was handing out…”Non-Violence Pledge, I recognize the abortionists and their supporters in the press would love to portray us as angry or “hate filled”. Hence, I will maintain a gracious, forgiving, demeanor toward our adversaries, and pray for their conversion to the Truth. When on site, I will follow the directions of Operation Witness Leadership Signature___________” now dose that sound like we are bad people??? If so I would like to see u find a group of ppl who care and love and just what is good more then that.
Well the march finally started and we went off. It felt so good to just look around and see all these younger people. It made me feel god to see that there are people that care and we can make a difference. There was this girl next to me, she couldn’t have been more then 12 years old, the whole time she chanted and went on and on and was really devoted. It was weird to see that someone so young and simple could see that something was wrong with what was going on, why cant the older ppl who make the laws see that, its really not hard to figure out that killing is wrong. While marching I was looking at all the signs, they really made you think, I thought a few times that if everyone came to one of these we would have no more abortion problem. If everyone could see how we feel and how its wrong and then try to justify it…they just couldn’t . the sign that made me really think said “it’s the third time in modern history that word “person” has been redefined” then it had a picture to represent slavery, and to rep the holocaust, and one to represent abortion. That sign was so true. I mean now we look back at those other things and everyone see how wrong they were and cant believe anyone ever went along with it and thought it was right. Is abortion gonna b the same?? Are we gonna look back in 10 years when it isn’t legal any more, and just wonder WHY??? I personally think we will. We as a society eventually have to come around. One day the abortion industry will be exposed and everyone one will see what actually goes on. I just wish more people would want to know and look this stuff up and see what really goes on. Then women who have this done and LIED to. You cant argue with it , they go into the clinks and are flat out lied to “ its not alive” “it wont feel a thing” “you wont feel a thing” and on and on and on.
Not only did that make me think but many many other things did too. We walked past and federal buildings and saw what was written on them. All this bull crap about justice and being equal and stuff that just isn’t true. I mean I don’t see why it doesn’t apply to the unborn. What is the difference between and child in the womb, and the same child a few months, weeks, days, hours later. NOTHING. The only difference is the stage of development. But one of the questions that made me anti-abortion is, When dose it become a child?, when dose it become alive?, and when dose it receive its soul? ..these made me really think. I used to never believe that stuff about how it is a person from the moment of conception and all that stuff, but those made me think if not then, then when. There isn’t really any other time it could happen. I mean there is no distinct event that takes place that makes it human or alive except for conception.
How it is not alive. It has it everything it needs to be, and its heart even starts to beat after only 21 days. Well I haven’t even began to make my point yet, but I am tired and my fingers hurt , so I am gonna type the rest tomorrow……but just to make this clear….I don’t hate ppl who believe in abortion, or the ppl who have them or ppl just bec they see different from me. I just don’t really understand them, Im just showing my side. Everyone has the rite to their own opinion…but this is my journal so I am gonna write mine :)