Dec 23, 2003 13:20
heyy ma` can you make me a graphic thats biq enouqh 2 be mah header 4 mah layout...i want the backqround to be back with a pink outline and i want it to have red and white swirls and have it say
wHeN tHeReS nO oNe eLsE -- lOoK iNsIdE yOuRsElF
LiKe yOuR oLdEsT fRiEnD * jUsT tRuSt tHe vOiCe WiThIn
tHeN yOuLL fInD tHe sTrEnqTh - tHaT wiLL qUiDe yOuR wAy
iF yOu WiLL lEaRn t0 bEqiN -- t0 tRuSt tHe v0iCe WiThiN <33
but make it a small font like the one in my header riqht now and on the told can you have it say Lauren in a big font size and have it be script and can I have the be font color RED with a white outline? thanks ma` if u qot any questions instant message me at: im laurren or email me at