Yesterday was my mom's death anniversary by lunar calendar. Even though it's in lunar calendar date, it was really engraved in my brain. That day. She was gone. Forever.
It was monday. In the morning when i had to go to school, i felt nothing. No sense even a lil bit that it was the last time I'm gonna saw her. At school, i wasnt having the brightest day because well "it was monday", I thought so. School starts with a weekly morning ceremony which i dont really like. Then i go to classes like usual but then I had stomach ache. I thought it's just a menstruation cramp because it didn't come yet as scheduled. I was so worried if it will come that day because i was wearing a white skirt lol.
But then before it was break time, i was called by a teacher. I was told i had to go home soon, my uncle is already waiting to pick me up. My only thought was maybe my mom was searching for me, because it happened once before but it was at night lol she wanted to sleep with me. Anyways, i went home with my uncle. Have no bad feelings at all. But when i arrived home, she was already gone :') may you rest in peace now mom!
Fast forward to yesterday, i was feeling a bit down knowing what day it was. I was keeping my self busy doing house chores i didn't usually do at once lol i did it all in just one day. And in the afternoon i got tired (well of course 😅) and i checked twitter.
Arashi!! They update something!! That really made me smile. Maybe the first smile that day.
The first update i saw was In The Summer dance practice snippet in BLACK AND WHITE OMG my old men looking so good lol but it was really low quality and VERY SHORT. ONLY 30 SECONDS HAHAHHAHAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME JOHNNYS I CAN WATCH THEM DANCE FOR 30 HOURS IF I WANT TO.
Look at that low quality screenshot pic of nino doing body wave. He looks so good right? IMAGINE IF IT WAS HD??????????
Well that was just the first of what i called 'Ninomiya Attack'. The second update i saw was his tiktok dance of In The Summer. Arashi has already uploaded group one, Ohno's, and Sho's, in order. So when Nino's out before Aiba's it was a little surprising but NO TIME FOR THAT. NINO LOOKS SO GOOD DANCING IN THE BEACH WITH LITTLE WAVES CRASHING IN A NICE WEATHER. I ALWAYS LOVE DANCING NINO.
At first he ended the dance pointing at m̶e̶ us with a smirk BUT THEN THE VIDEO DIDN'T STOP THERE (like on the group vids) SO HE KINDA SMILE AWKWARD BUT STILL HANDSOME AND GIVING THOSE CUTE PEACE SIGNS!!!!!!!! THAT'S ILLEGAL?? HELLO???
idk why i liked it so much lol it was just a peace sign! And a smile.. the sweetest smile.. the messy hair... Well idk maybe cause it's just him 😂 lol I'm so whipped.
time goes by and comes the night. I thought the attacks already over BUT ARASHI UPLOAD INSTA STORYYYYY!!!!!!! AND I DIDN'T GOT THE NOTIFICATION??????!!!!! HELLO @ INSTAGRAM PLEASE REAPIR YOUR APP😠
And the insta story update is... NINOMIYA KAZUNARI 💛. HE'S UPLOADING FOUR I REPEAT FOUR PICTURES OF HIM DOING THE SAME POSE AS INSTALIVE SCREENSHOT TIME and boy it wasn't an ordinary screenshot time yesterday.. (uhh the insta live was two days ago so it is yesterday's yesterday lol)
SEE THAT? THAT'S THE THIRD ATTACK! TRIPLE ATTACK NINOMIYA. i suddenly reflect to my past mistakes thinking is this the day I'd die because it was so overwhelming to me LOLOLOLOLOL
Tl:dr, it was a meh day in the morning but i went to sleep with a smile and happy thoughts because of arashi updates ^^. Thank you Nino for the insta story! Thank you staff for releasing all that at the same day haha. And of course, thank you Arashi for you guys always making me smile!!💛