В предыдущем посте я упомянул "малоизвестную", но решающую роль Раймона Пуанкаре в развязывании ww1, теперь стОит освятить менее гнусную, но не меннее решающую роль английского правительства Асквита.
Асквит - премьер либерального правительства с 1908 года, при нём классический либерализм Гладстона был заменён социальным либерализмом "
British welfare state"
Ленивый и, по нынешним стандартам, пьяница, Асквит наслаждался "comfort and luxury" и прославился тем, что писал в среднем по 4 письма в день своей пассии
Venetia Stanley, благодаря которым истории остались подробные описания заседаний его кабинета.
Во внешей политике Англии, которой заведовал Эдуард Грей, нейтралите Бельгии всегда подразумевался, но во время "Июльского кризиса" "Grey failed to realize the urgency of the situation, and chose to await further developments."
Вот краткое перечисление событий:
On 23 July, Austria-Hungary formally handed the Serbian government an ultimatum, which demanded their acceptance, by 25 July, of terms tantamount to Serbia's vassalage to Austria-Hungary; it was soon clear that Serbia would accept most of the demands but that Austria-Hungary would settle for nothing less than complete capitulation.
On 24 July, the French ambassador in London tried to waken Grey to the realization that once Austrian forces crossed the Serbian border, it would be too late for mediation.
Grey responded by urging the German ambassador to attempt a four-power conference of Britain, France, Italy and Germany at Vienna to mediate between Austria-Hungary and Russia, Serbia's patron, or at least to obtain an extension of the time-limit set by Austria-Hungary. Grey again proposed a four-power conference on 26 July. He also suggested that Russia and Austria-Hungary should be encouraged to negotiate. The other powers were open to the idea, but Germany had other intentions.
After the collapse of Grey's four-power talks on Tuesday 28 July, it was clear that war on the continent was now inevitable, although it was not yet certain whether Britain should be involved.
On Wednesday 29 July two decisions were taken at Cabinet.
Firstly, the Armed Forces were placed on alert (the "Precautionary Period" was declared and the War Book was opened at 2pm).
Secondly, the Cabinet agreed to guarantee the neutrality of Belgium, but that Britain's response to any violation of Belgian neutrality would be decided on grounds of policy rather than strict legality.
Grey was authorised to tell the German and French ambassadors that Britain had not yet made a decision as to whether or on what terms to join in or stand aside.
...Asquith and Grey genuinely believed that openly backing France and Russia would make them more intransigent, without necessarily deterring Germany
By 31 July, when Grey finally sent a memorandum demanding that Germany respect Belgium's neutrality, it was too late. German forces were already massed at the Belgian border, and Helmuth von Moltke convinced Kaiser Wilhelm II it was too late to change the plan of attack.
At a meeting with Prince Lichnowsky, the German Ambassador, early on 1 August, Grey stated the conditions necessary for Britain to remain neutral, but perhaps with a lack of clarity. Grey did not make it clear that Britain would not ignore a breach of the Treaty of London (1839), to respect and protect the neutrality of Belgium.
Overnight Germany issued an ultimatum to Russia and France. The first of two Cabinets on Sunday 2 August was from 11am to 2pm.
On Monday 3 August, Germany declared war on France and broke the old London treaty by invading Belgium.
United by the need to assist France as promised, and hold the Liberal party together lest the warmongering Conservatives take power, the Cabinet voted almost unanimously for war, with only John Burns and Viscount Morley resigning. On the afternoon of Tuesday 4 August the House of Commons was informed that an ultimatum had been given to Germany expiring midnight Berlin time (11pm in London).
Нельзя отрицать общую гнусность царской России и гнусность немцкого национализма.
Чего стоит восторженно провоенная позиция Томаса Манна - к началу войны 39 летнего автора Будденброков - отнюдь не мальчика.
Ну и, конечно - не остались в стороне пидриоты-еврейцы, Ernst Lissauer написал национальный хит "
Gott strafe England" за который получил Орден Красного Орла.
Но факт остаётся фактом. что правительство Асквита не "донесло" до немцев, что на Западе Германия столкнётся не только с армией 40 миллионной Франции, но и с армиеы 45 миллионной Англии.
В результате "вялой" политики кабинета, народы Англии. АНЗАКи, Канады, Южной Афтрики потеряли убитыми почти миилион мужиков и, наверное не меньше покалеченными.