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Deficits and the Printing Press Ну, у тебя и рожа... "неокон"...
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shvarz.livejournal.com Мой "ответ" Сонину по поводу уважительной ссылки на John H. Cochrane
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khapuga.livejournal.com/81914.html Миф о Фанни и Фредди, как "чистом продукте Конгресса"
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_B._Lockhart_III Within three weeks of his appointment in May 2006, Lockhart published a report detailing the numerous missteps by Fannie Mae’s previous management and signed a consent agreement that restated Fannie Mae’s extra 30% capital requirement and capped the growth of its investment portfolios for the first time. In a joint press conference with the SEC Chairman, Chris Cox, Lockhart announced a $400 million fine.[4] Shortly thereafter, he obtained Freddie Mac’s voluntary agreement to likewise cap the growth of their portfolio.
www.nytimes.com/2008/12/21/business/worldbusiness/21iht-21admin.18841556.html ..
krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/15/invincible-ignorance-2/ ... So much so that you might describe contemporary American politics as a class struggle between those with more education than money against those with more money than education: Jon Stewart’s America versus Bill O’Reilly’s, Barack Obama versus Sarah Palin.
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www.econbrowser.com/archives/2010/12/velocity_of_mon.html "Адекватный человек всегда толерантен, независимо от политических убеждений. Есть категория людей, которой лозунги заменяют мысли"-
domkratov.livejournal.com/98886.html krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/24/recent-trends-in-government-spending/#more-15423 ..
So what’s behind that more limited rise? Mainly, it’s about people losing their jobs and their incomes, and therefore turning to aid programs. Unemployment benefits account for almost half the rise in spending:
Top U.S. Federal marginal income tax rate from 1913 to 2009. As a political ideology, Objectivism, which has exerted a tremendous influence on the American right, is a vulgar inversion of vulgar Marxism
www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/hendrikhertzberg/2009/10/the-rand-brand.html www.tnr.com/article/books-and-arts/wealthcare-0 ksonin.livejournal.com/86545.html ksonin.livejournal.com/98010.html Алан Гринспэн доказал, что можно быть идеологическим либертарианцем и успешным практиком госрегулирования. - Xa-Xa-Xa
Забавная "дискуссия" - напоминает: "и роптал народ на Моисея, говоря: зачем ты вывел нас из Египта" Нет некрасивых женщин...
opera исключение
ksonin.livejournal.com/356390.html http://ksonin.livejournal.com/356390.html?thread=10572582
http://shvarz.livejournal.com/262619.html?thread=4357595#t4357595 A ‘Fat Cat’ Strikes Back Stephen Schwarzman, CEO and co-founder of the Blackstone Group. “It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”
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