
Oct 09, 2022 18:35

Одержимый 100 летними юбилеями 1 мировой, я прочитал кучу книг и пересмотрел десятки и десятки часов лекций и дискуссий на ютюбе.

Вот мой вывод: Гнусные политики начинают гнусные войны, которые ведут абсолютно гнусные генералы.

110 лет назад президентом Франции был избран Раймон Пуанкаре - начавший 1 мировую войну.

После его избрания уходящий президент Armand Fallières сказал "Я уступаю место войне", имея в виду жёстко антигерманскую позицию своего преемника Раймона Пуанкаре.

В результате 40 милионная Франция потеряла 1,4 млн мужиков в первой а потом и вторую мировую.

Ровно 60 лет назад JFK (последний великий президент-демократ) предотвратил 3-ю мировую.

Вот подходящая статья в The Atlantic JFK vs. the Military где главной победой JFK была "победа над своими генералами".

Здесь некоторые цитаты:

"From the start of his presidency, Kennedy feared that the Pentagon brass would overreact to Soviet provocations and drive the country into a disastrous nuclear conflict. The Soviets might have been pleased-or understandably frightened-to know that Kennedy distrusted America’s military establishment almost as much as they did."

"The president thought a nuclear war would bring mutually assured destruction-mad, in the shorthand of the day-while the Joint Chiefs believed the United States could fight such a conflict and win."

"The nato commander, General Lauris Norstad, and two Air Force generals, Curtis LeMay and Thomas Power, stubbornly opposed White House directives that reduced their authority to decide when to go nuclear. "

"General Power, too, was openly opposed to limiting the use of America’s ultimate weapons. “Why are you so concerned with saving their lives?” he asked the lead author of a Rand study that counseled against attacking Soviet cities at the outset of a war. “The whole idea is to kill the bastards … At the end of the war, if there are two Americans and one Russian, we win.” Even Curtis LeMay, Power’s superior, described him as “not stable” and a “sadist.”

During the Cold War, LeMay was prepared to launch a preemptive nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union. He dismissed civilian control of his decision making, complained of an American phobia about nuclear weapons, and wondered privately, “Would things be much worse if Khrushchev were secretary of defense?” Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy’s speechwriter and alter ego, called LeMay “my least favorite human being.”

"Kennedy accused himself of naïveté for trusting the military’s judgment that the Cuban operation was well thought-out and capable of success. “Those sons of bitches with all the fruit salad just sat there nodding, saying it would work,” Kennedy said of the chiefs. He repeatedly told his wife, “Oh my God, the bunch of advisers that we inherited!”

He later told Schlesinger he had made the mistake of thinking that “the military and intelligence people have some secret skill not available to ordinary mortals.” His lesson: never rely on the experts. Or at least: be skeptical of the inside experts’ advice, and consult with outsiders who may hold a more detached view of the policy in question.

In these and other discussions, about fighting in North Vietnam and China or intervening elsewhere in Southeast Asia, Lemnitzer promised, “If we are given the right to use nuclear weapons, we can guarantee victory.” By Schlesinger’s account, President Kennedy dismissed this sort of thinking as absurd: “Since [Lemnitzer] couldn’t think of any further escalation, he would have to promise us victory.”

Кстати о генералх, вот интервью Петреуса Hadley Gamble. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/10/04/watch-cnbcs-full-interview-with-david-petraeus.html

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