Part 1 of part 2 of 3 parts

Jan 30, 2023 20:56

Ah, my late twenties. Doing some recent digital forensics led me back here, and I intend to document 2011 now that I've put all the parts together.

Jan: I discovered TP tropes. I'd say it's foundational, since once you understand the concept underpinning the site you have a better understanding of archetypes and how they apply across a lot of different domains.

Feb: Turn 28. February continues to give participation trophies for all who survive, in the form of

March: See previous post. I add this tweet: "This lady sounds like a drunk Minnie Mouse but with Goofy's accent." Looks like I went down visiting him around 3/21/11 and being depressed with no on responding afterwards. Reading all these times I reached out to no response really cements why I don't even reach out anymore.

April: First time I hit undetectable levels of virus based on the test limits. Been mostly that way since but it took 5 years to get there. Thanks Obama - the affordable healthcare act made it possible not only for me to keep getting my meds, but I no longer had to worry about the losing my job and healthcare. I've heard horror stories people losing medical care because they didn't have a job for however many days, and it was bullshit.

May: Starting playing FFXI again but for the first time? A new expansion had come out after years of nothing. Maybe this was in May, IDK. At some point I got bored with not doing anything and chose this instead of training for a better job or something. THAT is another venting/ranting session. And what I'm playing after I finish typing this.

June - September: At some point during this time that I met my personal Trump, let's call him PT. I haven't found anything from that period with dates on it. It was after spring. PT was sweet, and adorable, and I he got me out of Tyler on the weekends when I was just sitting on my ass playing games. He owned a house and was leasing it, while he was living in dorms on campus and finishing his degree. I understood that he was getting grant money and living off that and the checks from his renters.

I describe this because over that summer I watched his life unravel. Maybe. I can attest that the lady who was leasing his house bounced multiple months of rent checks and then left the place destroyed, if only because I helped him clean it out for a few months until it was repossessed in 2012.

At the end of September, PT fell and hit his head needing stitches. At the time, I didn't really know him well enough to see a change in personality or know enough about fentanyl to know how fucking high someone using it would be.  What came after this - Was it the opioids? The head injury? The watching the house he worked for and his plans for his future for be destroyed by trash people?

Well typing it all out that might just be all of the above. But I wouldn't really see it until Winter, and by that time I was being sucked down too.

August has got to be its own entry. And then I guess I'll go through the year of hell. It'll be nice to go through these in another 10 years and stimulate the neurons with "oh yeah, that bullshit happened".

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