New job, old post. I'm lazy, what else is new?

Aug 14, 2009 02:18

Here's something I started writing last month. Actually no, here's a rewrite of something I started last month then never really finished. I started to write a couple entires at work, but not for a reason. It helped to focus at the end of the day, and gave me something to do when the chick next to me wouldn't stop talking.  I find it hard to focus through the myriad of interruption, distractions and unpleasantness that work can provide. Granted its not the same unpleasantness that CableOne offered but its still annoying.

For instance, I had to buy ear plugs. As in, If I didn't I was going to snap because the voices of the women around me carry badly in this office. At every call center job I’ve had whenever I get put next to someoe loud I’m miserable, more so than because it is a call center.

It sucks to have to strain to hear someone over a person sitting next to you; it sucks worse when the person you’re straining to hear:

A: Has an annoying voice. It does not precisely mean that something is specifically wrong with the person’s voice* but some people’s voices resonate in the ears like Fran Drencher in a expansive cave. This causes me stress because I then am forced strain to for a sound which makes my brain want to take a vacation, exit audiotory canal stage right.

*For instance, sounding like Michael Jackson on Helium. Or sounding like Vin Diesel and being named Janet.

B: The connection is loud. After almost 10 years on the phones, I've discovered something. For some unknown reason there is no volume control on half the phone lines in the United States. If someone says they cannot hear you over the phone all the time it might be your phone lines, or geographical area. It's something you wouldn't normally notice, but after a while the 'oh yeah' clicks. Its not so bad when you're calling into a place, you can hang up if the person you get is a retard. You can’t do that when it’s your job to listen to the morons.
So that’s my current and only major issue at work, is that sometimes its louder than I’d like it to be and sometimes the people are dumber than I'd like to think people can be. The job itself is not nearly as taxing as where I was before, and I like the management because they don't seem to make it a point to make their employee's miserable. 

phones, work, idiots

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