Recordkeeping: Superliminal COMPLETE

Dec 05, 2021 18:28

Well this is a gem.

A puzzle game in the post-Portal style of "walk around in first-person 3D, solve puzzles that rely as much on you being clever as mechanical solutions". I got through it reasonably quickly (not enough so to trigger any speedrun achievements, mind) and enjoyed every moment.

The premise is that you're having some dream therapy and they would rather like you to wake up, but you have all these goddamn puzzles to solve and so you don't. You repeatedly don't wake up, so you can solve puzzles relating to perspective, forced-perspective, orientation, exploration, [redacted] and [super redacted]. You just really love puzzles okay.

Well that's why I was doing it, you may vary.

Absolutely time well-spent and I plan to go back and play again to listen to the developer commentary and whatnot. Strongly recommended if you enjoy dream logic, Portal-style puzzles and questioning what reality even is anymore, man. I am no longer interested in comments on Livejournal. Please comment on Dreamwidth. Comments here will not be replied to and are unlikely to be read.
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