Jul 30, 2006 04:38
it's funny how he smallest thing can start you thinking. i don't mean liek a random thought or something like that i mean a chain reaction of thought. you see something or hear something and i reminds you of something, and then that reminds you of something else and before you know it your mind is full or old memories and ponderments. whats even funnier is this always happnes to me just before i go to bed. maybe it's the body slowly grinding down getting itself ready for slumber. in the silence your brain has nothing to do but turn inwards, drudging up old memories and things. or maybe i'm just an old man that has an assiction to counting my regrets. ~chuckles~ don't get me wrong this isn;t a sad post, in actuallity i'm quite happy. just disappointed how things change. i think i hate change. that may be the old man in me again tho. ~shrug~ who knows. well i dunno what else to say reaaly. just a random thought i figured i'd drop here. or maybe i just like to post to see my own writing ~grins~ yeah thats prolly it. i awlays did have a bigger ego than i can handle :-p well night guys,
sleep well and be happy...