damn you ppl

Nov 07, 2003 07:42

ok i made some shitty posts, first to jim, then to jay, and i was pretty pised at the time. i'm calmed now and so i am posting to let you know a few things. first off, let me apologize. to jim, cause it's just a movie, and we can still go together, if not for the first time. i am going sunday even if i have to go myself, but i hope everyone can go, even deva and kris althogh they won't read this.

second let me apologize to you jay, first for losing it, and second for not just telling you how i feel. i guess it's betetr to just let it out rather than wait and have it all come out on some ranting post. when max left it was no big deal, not cause i didn't care but because i know max. this as his escape and seriously he has been talking about it for some time. ever since i can remeber. also cause max is more of a brother to me then a friend really, so i figure no matter what, i'll always be able to get to him if i need to.
with you it's diffent. i honestly don't think we weill really see you again after you lkeave. now you might come back, and ya you might live here in ohio, but i don't think things will eb the same. partly because of becky, and partly because of how time works. four years although not long, is long enough. and change is somehting that just happnes even if it's not reaily noticable. now i say becky because of one simple fact. i personally have invited becky to almost everything i invited you to, and in most cases i even insisted ferevntly. jim has also mad eit cleart that she is more than welcome. you also have acknolged that you know she is welcome and that max was most of the problem, because of the way he talked to her. ya thats right max, face it oyou were rude to her, so let it go and move on, don't argue just shrug and kiss shannon. anyway. seeing as how she has never taken us up on this offer, i have surmised one of two possibilites. either 1) you arn't even asking her, assuming purhaps she WILL say no, or maybe wanting your becky time, or a host of other reasons i could ptobably not begin to guess at. or 2)she dosn't want to hang with the group, and in so is alienating you frokm us, beacuse ou want to spoend timne with her, ect ect. now... i don't expect you to read this post and say "omg jeremy you are tight what was i thinking" and start hanging with us more, it's obvious to me that it's no big deal to you or jim. i realize this now, and weather i like it or not, i guess i have to accept it. but i do feel i have to opinionate this simply because it hurts my feelings, more than any f you will probably ever know. it busg me that you care so little, or if that is not the case (i don't wanna make too many assumptions) then whatever it is. me and you and jim all said the same thing the week before max left. that he was going to have shannon forever, and in a week he will be gone from us. we all three agreed that it was messed up for him to do this, and yet you are doing it. ~sighs~ jay, you may be thinking, "dudes is just four years". but four years that wee won't see you, hang with you or whwtever, and yes sure you can play on aim with us (shadowrun etc) but we all knwo it's not the same. but.. i degress, i'm begingin to rant again. forgive... anyway, i guess what i'm trying to say is, in four years i hope you decided not to give becky all your time like you are doing now.

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