The charming and talented Frances Zera of
Zera Photography is going to take some photographs of me for my website and marketing portfolio. Tomorrow. I now need to get my hair cut and scurry around in a panic to find just the right outfit. Operation She-cleans-up-ok-for-a-geek begins now.
In moving news, I have now heard several Manly-men come to Northern Alberta for jobs radio ads. They are desperate for workers since everyone leaves for the oil fields. Pay is incredible. Feeling a bit better about my prospects for employment.
I think our attitude about moving has become less “we don’t want to move to Edmonton”, as “we don’t want to leave Seattle, our friends, and there’s so much we meant to do!” It’s only a year.
Speaking of friends, we got out of the house last night and attended a birthday soiree where we got to interact with those friends in person. Who knew real humans existed behind all that social media?