Who: Shishido Ryou, Mukahi Gakuto, Ootori Choutarou
Where: Small town in Raytin
When 2/20
What: Shishido helps Gakuto open himself up a little more to Ootori.
Rating: PG (look Shishido was good and didn't curse in this one)
Shishido watched as Choutarou left the room. He had mentioned something he had seen as they came into town that he wanted to paint. They had gotten into town a lot earlier than he had expected they would for once so he knew the other elf would be fine. It was an interesting experience traveling with the other boy and was glad that Gakuto had invited him along.
Speaking of Gakuto, Shishido looked at the red-head out of the corner of his eyes. He had definitely accepted Choutarou rather quickly, though not many people wouldn't open up to the taller elf once they really got to know him. He was just likable like that. There was one part of himself that Gakuto was keeping a secret from their other traveling partner and Shishido figured that he had waited long enough in hopes that Gakuto would reveal it himself. It was time to take it into his own hands.
Turning around fully in the chair he had been sitting in he faced Gakuto full on. "So when are you going to tell him?"
Gakuto had been carefully keeping it to himself, in hopes of keeping his family's past and his heritage a secret. It wasn't that he didn't like Ohtori, quite the opposite actually, but besides Shishido and his family, he hadn't known anyone to take his 'half' heritage lightly, and because he'd taken a shine to Ohtori, he wanted to keep things just the way they were. Though he knew it probably wouldn't last for very long. So when Shishido asked the question, that seemed to come out of nowhere, Gakuto knew exactly what he was talking about, but pretended he didn't. "Tell who what?" he asked, not making eye contact with the blood elf, staying turned slightly away and facing the window.
"You know exactly what' I'm talking about." Shishido crossed his arms and leaned back. "But I guess if you really need me to spell it out for you. I'm talking about when are you going to tell Choutarou exactly what kind of elf you are?"
Glaring sharply at the other, Gakuto didn't answer for a long while before waving his hand in the air, dismissively, "I'll tell him eventually." like....maybe in a few years. He turned around quickly to make his way to the door, feeling too cornered, "Look, I don't want to talk about this right now. Quit sticking your nose in places where it doesn't belong."
"Oh yah I'm sure you will." Shishido rolled his eyes he knew this talk wouldn't be easy but he knew it was necessary. "I'd say I'm sticking my nose exactly where it belongs. You're a tense mess trying to keep him from finding out. And to tell you the truth Choutarou probably already knows something is up. You may as well just tell him."
"What part of 'I don't want to talk about it' don't you understand?" Gakuto tossed his hair angrily, huffing slightly, the thought of Ohtori already suspecting bothering him greatly. "And I'm not talking about this." it was his problem, how did Shishido always know when and how to get him to cave? Well, not this time. His hand went to the doorknob.
"Gakuto you'll going to have to tell Choutarou eventually." Shishido called out and he reached to fiddle with something he had on the table. Shishido smirked as Gakuto ignored him. The thing he was playing with was one of Choutarou's favorite painting brushes and his blood elf sense were telling him that the taller elf and noticed it's absence and was waiting out in the hall right now.
Ignoring Shishido, Gakuto considered this over, for at least today, and opened the door, to come face to face with the last person he wanted to see at that moment, "O-ohtori." he skipped back a couple steps, surprised, before grinning awkwardly, "I....thought you went to paint."
Choutarou looked at the much shorter elf. "I had but the things in my bag were rearranged so I had to readjust it and while I was doing that I noticed my favorite paintbrush was missing." He looked up inside of the room to see Shishido sitting twirling his paint bush in his fingers. Raising his eyebrows all he got was a smirk in return from the older elf. Sighing Choutarou knew that Shishido had taken the brush from his bag. Probably in the hope that he'd overhear this conversation. "You know Gakuto-san. You can tell me anything. I don't want you to fell uncomfortable around me."
Giving Shishido a withering look, Gakuto turned back to Ohtori, trying in vain to pretend he wasn't feeling very cornered, and extremely angry at a certain blood elf, guessing (with the exchanged look between the two of them) that he'd planned this all long. "I'm not uncomfortable," was the obvious lie that slipped out without him really thinking about it. "And there's nothing to tell." he huffed out, hoping that the taller of the three would move over, so he could leave.
Choutarou knew that if Shishido was pushing for this conversation to happen it was probably for a good reason. Seeing how Gakuto was trying to maneuver his way out of the door he inched in a little further so that he was standing directly in the doorway. Frowning softly Choutarou cocked his head. "The fact that you're avoiding whatever Shishido-san wants you to say shows that you /are/ uncomfortable with whatever it is. I promise I won't think any less of you."
Shishido watched from where he was seated. He wanted to get up but knew that would make Gakuto feel even more cornered and knew they were pressing the other boy enough as it was. "Gakuto if you won't tell him I will. But I know he'd rather hear it from you."
"No, Shishido-san." Choutarou shook his head and sighed sadly. "If Gakuto-san doesn't feel like he trusts me just yet you shouldn't go around tell his secrets."
Shoulders hunched slightly, Gakuto winced at the look the other gave him, now that simply wasn't fair, if he didn't know any better, he would've thought that they both had planned this far in advance. Part of him hated both of them for that, "I-It's not that." Why couldn't the both of them leave well enough alone, Ohtori had offered to, but the way he'd moved to block the doorway suggested otherwise. "And you shouldn't promise anything." Gakuto had little believe in promises of any kind, past experience taught him that promises had a way of being broken.
"Well Shishido-san doesn't seemed bothered by whatever it is. So I don't think I will be either." Choutarou inched a little further into the room to be able to shut the door. He figured that since whatever it was that was making Gakuto so uncomfortable wasn't something that he would want everyone in the inn to know even if they did get him to talk about it. "Just tell me please. I told you I didn't want to come along if it was going to make thing awkward and well... it seems like you tense up around me a lot." Choutarou frowned at the floor.
Watching his only escape close shut on him with slightly wide eyes, Gakuto turned his attention to the taller boy in front of him, "Well, that's because Shishido and his family are the few people I've met who don't care." He rubbed instinctively at the back of his head, where a couple such prejudice people chose to remind him of what he really was in the first place. He gave up, with Shishido bringing up the back and Ohtori pulling the guilt act in front, Gakuto's eyes rolled to the ceiling, "The reason you can't figure out what kind of elf I am is because I'm not really any kind."
Choutarou looked at Gakuto in confusion. How could someone be an elf but yet not be any kind of elf. He looked over at Shishido but saw that his eyes were focused on watching Gakuto. "I'm not quite sure I understand." He finally admitted after a few tense moments.
"My dad wasn't an elf, my dad was human." Gakuto answered tensely, choosing to ignore the probing look on his back that he was getting from Shishido, he blamed the other elf anyway, h didn't particularly like having the other interfere with his life. "There, are you happy?" he spat out at the blood elf, frustrated, and at the end of his rope.
Shishido didn't respond but just leaned back again in his chair. Honestly he didn't like pushing the issue but if they were going to be traveling together then he wouldn't have anything that big hanging between any of them.
Choutarou's eyes softened at the words that Gakuto spit out. "So you're a half?" He said softly. Now he understood why Gakuto was so reluctant to talk. He knew the prejudiced that people had around would not react to kindly to that news.
Eyes twitching back and forth between the two, Gakuto nodded, tensely. "Yeah, my mom's a shadow elf," he said to explain the other half of him, He didn't peg Ohtori as one to particularly care one way or the other, but you never really knew with some people. He'd just learned to expect the worst, that way he was never disappointed.
"That must have been hard." Choutarou averted his eyes and instead stared at the floor. "I know how people can be to halfs."
Shishido looked up at Choutarou and watched the taller elf. He knew that if there was any full elf that could probably connect to Gakuto it would probably be Choutarou.
Reasonably confused, Gakuto blinked a few times, "What do you mean?" knowing the other boy, he'd hoped (rather than expected) acceptance, but he hadn't expected empathy. Ohtori was a full elf, unless he'd been sadly misinformed.
"I get mistaken for a half elf a lot." Choutarou admitted finally looking up at Gakuto. Taking a deep breath he continued. "Most people think all full blood elves are short. I'm... not. And I never have been. I used to get picked on a lot and I was always getting strange looks from people who just move into the neighborhood."
Well....that made more sense then, "Oh." he himself had mistaken Ohtori for human when they first met, that made him a little bit guilty, but he'd never taken him for a half, strangely enough that had never crossed his mind. He didn't have much to say beside that....but for good measure, he kicked Shishido's chair, unbalancing him for a moment and snatched the paintbrush, handing it to Ohtori, pretending he didn't just piss of Shishido.
"Hey!" Shishido had leaned back his chair onto two legs while watching Choutarou so when Gakuto kicked it he wobbled for a moment almost toppling backwards. Glaring at Gakuto he growled. Oh well at least that showed that the red-head was going back to his annoying self. That was what he had been aiming for all along.
"What? You didn't think I was going to let you get away with stealing Ohtori's favorite paintbrush, did you?" Gakuto snickered slightly at the look he received from the blood elf, "I expected so much better of you." he fake-scolded the older elf.
"Thanks you Gakuto-san." He accepted the paintbrush with a smile then turned to Shishido with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.. "He's right, Shishido-san. Taking things out of other people's bags is wrong. And so is rearranging their things." He waved a finger at a sputtering Shishido before turning back to Gakuto. "Would you like to come with me to the forest. I'm sure I can get some more birds to come down so you can get a few more feathers."
Laughing at Shishido's plight, Gakuto smiled up at the other glad that nothing had changed, because a small part of him was afraid that it would, "Sure, sounds great."
Shishido rolled his eyes as he watched Gakuto and Choutarou leave the room. He was glad they cleared the air between all of them but he was beginning to suspect that may not have been such a good thing. At least not for him...