What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast
Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.
The Inland North
The South
The Midland
North Central
The West
What American accent do you have?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz bahahaha
You are 74% Bittch!
I can't believe it! Your almost a full bittch! I know you just sit there and think of ways to be a bittch! How Pathetic is that! You must be awful lonely! Cruelty hurts! Bittch!
How much of a B*tch Are you?Create MySpace Quizzes Well that was unexpected!! Seriously I am not that bitchy :p
High School Cliques
Your Result: Normal /Class clown
You are normal / Class Clown! you are a normal kid who try's to avoid the populars and stays out of the way. Class Clownns you are a normal person execpt you have got the amzing talent of pissing your teachers off with your pranks an crude jokes.
Goth / Emo
Jock / Sporty
Geek / Nerd
Preppy / Girly
High School CliquesMake a Quiz pfft lol!
Which God or Goddess are you?
Your Result: Ares Greek God of War
You laugh in the face of War. You revell in conflict and power. You are manipulative, seductive, and a strategist. Your carnal heart enjoys a good battle.
Zeus Greek King of the Gods
Artemis Greek Goddess of the Hunt
Hades Greek God of the Underworld
Aphrodite Greek Goddess of Love
Dionsyus Greek God of Wine
Which God or Goddess are you?Quizzes for MySpace woah stand back now!! I'm bitchy and god of war ;) awesome!!