
Jun 02, 2010 21:15

Day 4

Lan finally arrived.  I did my best not to go stir crazy while waiting. I even tried meditating.  And that's when I realized I suck at meditation. In fact, trying to meditate only made things worse.  Apparently I have issues with emptying my mind of all thought. Who knew?

Aden mentioned a few nights ago that he's still struggling with keeping himself from reacting as he use to when it comes to things that upset him.  He seemed almost defeated, as if the fact that he's now a paladin should make his reactions a switch that he can just flip whenever something happens.  I reminded him that change doesn't happen over night and the fact that he was struggling not to react the same way was a real start.  He just needed to continue to remind himself and eventually his reactions, which seem to be more positive now that he's training to become a paladin, will be second nature.

It's a lot easier said than done, of course.  I'm still struggling as well.  Perhaps this time away from him will give me a chance to put my skills as a druid where my mouth is.

Lanfith met with a few of the Timbermaw.  Apparently she can speak their language as well, which is a bit unsettling, but at the same time I can't deny its uses.  She found a few witnesses that said my father took the tunnel that leads into Winterspring.

Bloody brilliant. Not only am I following my insane, Nightmare-tainted druid father, but now I have to freeze my ass off to do so.  I really hate the cold.

It's been raining in the Moonglade, so not only is it hot but it's humid as well.  I can't decide which I hate more.

Regardless, I'm going after my father. I'll be dragging Lan with me as far as Everlook then I'm sending her packing back to Stormwind.  Apparently she has some man who gave her a job and a new purpose.  The problem is, she's so mentally fragile right now, I have a feeling he'll just turn her into a cute little doll that he can fawn over.  Disgusting.  I just might need to put a backbone back into her once this is all over.

I spoke to Mother, briefly.  I miss her.  I miss how she use to be.  Before Gelki, before all of this crap with her memory gone wrong and before my father almost killed her.  She's like a ghost now.  A wraith.  It's killing me to see her like this.  It's one thing for Father to treat me so harshly, but I won't let this slide off my back like so much water.  No, he's going to set things right, one way or another.

*A copy of a Letter pressed between the journal pages*

Dear Aden,

Father's trail leads into Winterspring so that's where I'm headed. I don't know when I'll be near a mailbox again, so I'm sending you this letter now.

I'm sure your training is tough, but I'm also sure you're managing and excelling.  I never was good at pep talks or encouragement, but you know I'm there every step of the way.

I miss you.


druid xyra, xyra

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