The New Adventures of Washue and Squirrel

Feb 22, 2009 00:26

AKA: Washue and the Stompy Dinosaur

Eye to her rifle scope, "Little" Washue Ravenhoof stared down the slope of the small volcano she was belly down on.  At her side lay her ever present friend, Squirrel.  The worg's shaggy red coat  was smeared with ashes and dirt, just as his master's chain mail and leather gear was.  Behind the pair squatted a large orc in dark, hulking armor; he was motionless save for the darting of his eyes behind his plate helmet.

"Do you see one yet, Washue?"  Bloodaxe said under his breath, his tone low and without cadence.

The young tauren shook her head slowly, long black braids twitching as she did.  After a moment she paused and panned her rifle back in the direction she'd been moving from.  "There.  Northwest, about nine hundred paces."

With a grunt, Bloodaxe heaved his bulk upright.  Washue and Squirrel scrambled to do the same.  Squirrel let out a whining growl, the excitement of the hunt to come already boiling in his blood as evidence by his wagging tail.  Washue grinned down at her friend, her own tail twitching in excitement, and patted his shaggy head.  "Good boy, Squirrel.  You gotta hang back with Big Brother Bloodaxe though.  We're not doing real hunting today."

An almost disappointed growl came from Squirrel at her words, but he seemed happy to be allowed to come along, regardless of the reason for the trip.  Washue shot her adopted orc brother a grin, then started loping down the black side of the volcano; her hooves thumping rhythmically as she went.  Behind her she heard Bloodaxe's tread, almost as heavy as her own.  Squirrel's paws were wide and made for such a decent; they made hardly a sound at all.

In the brilliant gloom and mist of Un'Goro Crater, Washue saw up ahead of them the swaying shadow of the creature they were tracking.  Excitement threatened to spill out of her very pores as she tried to keep her pace in check for Bloodaxe's sake.

As the trio ran, Washue couldn't help but grin like a young girl at gift giving time.  Finally she was going to tame one of the most terrifying and amazing creatures she'd come across on Azeroth.  As they neared she could feel the thumping of the creature's tread vibrate through her hooves and set off a fresh bout of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Washue, are you sure about this?  These creatures aren't known for their sweet disposition," said Bloodaxe from behind, jarring the young huntress from her thoughts.

"Of course I'm sure!  We'll be the best of friends, you'll see!"  She grinned over her shoulder at the older orc, her white teeth a startling contrast to the black fur on her face.

They were finally closing in on the thumping footsteps, so Washue motioned for her two companions to hang back behind the creature.  Cutting diagonally through the undergrowth, Washue sped up, her time as a huntress paying off as she put on the speed she needed to pass the large creature whom she intended to make friends with.  Coming to a halt a hundred paces before the trembling underbrush, Washue laid down her trap and waited, tail and ears twitching with excitement.

The wait was short, soon the dense growth parted to reveal a creature several feet beyond Washue's seven and a half foot height.  It's black scales had brilliant blue stripes on them, a startling contrast that had caught Washue's eye immediately.  The creature paused and sniffed the air, then turned its head to the side.  One brilliant blue eye searched the area then homed in on Washue.  Letting out a snarling roar, it charged, maw full of razor sharp teeth stretched wide.

Fierce grin on her lips, Washue beckoned the creature closer.  "That's it boy, come say hello!  I'm "Little" Washue Ravenhoof and I've come to make friends."

Bellowing another roar, the devilsaur lunged at the smaller creature and found itself suddenly unable to move.  Washue laughed softly and reached into the pack on her back, pulled out a strip of meat that smelled slightly old and tossed it at the creature.  Distracted by the treat, the devilsaur snapped it out of the air.

"I came prepared too.  Lot's of meat here for you.  I hope you like deer, it's all I could find."  The huntress continued to talk amiably as she tossed the food at the giant lizard.  The devilsaur continued to hungrily snap up the morsels even as it eyed the little tauren talking to him.

The next part happened so quickly, Washue wondered how it would have gone if it hadn't been for the meat in her bag.  The ice around the creature's feet finally broke.  After only a brief pause, the lizard lunged at Washue, teeth bared in a roar.  Swinging her bag off her shoulder, Washue tossed the remaining pieces of meat into the devilsaur's mouth.  Startled, the creature followed its instinct and stopped to swallow.

As it did, Washue reached out and patted its scaly chest.  "Good boy.  I think I'll name you Stompy.  What do you think of it?"  She smile up at the lizard who turned its head to eye her for a moment.  And then, happily, it let out a chirping screech.

Giggling her glee, Washue grinned at her new friend.  "I'm glad you approve."  Reaching out to hug the lizard, she ducked under his playful bite that could have taken off her hand.  "We'll work on the eating of things that aren't already dead!"

Bloodaxe and Squirrel grinned at one another from the sidelines, having both almost suffered heart attacks as they watched Washue once again tame what seemed to be the untamable.  "I fear what creature she'll get into her head next," muttered Bloodaxe.  Squirrel barked his agreement before loping over to meet his newest friend.

washue, story

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