Nov 13, 2005 03:45
yeah so yesterday morning I got up at 4.45am to go to work,not fun.Still a lil drunk from the night before and I ripped the shower curtain down,but yeah i worked thru it and it was all away about 4.45pm (...12hrs later) me n dwayne decided we'd go get a coffee/tea in castlecourt.we're sittin there and im eatting a kfc meal and these spides to our right start throwing fucking shit at us,the same ones I had fight with in the street a few months ago.
then decided i wasnt having any of it even if it was just a few chips and bits of paper,so i picked up my untouched coke and fired it in their direction followed by my burger (i missed with the coke and hit the woman behind :S).the spides completely sorta shocked and totally looked like they didnt wanna be there anymore.I got up and started walking over,got flanked by a really small milly who started going on about the street incident which i was in the right about :) she wasnt even there so asked her why she was even talking to me,i got hit while standing with coke (karma) then the girl i hit with the coke came over to me and started going 'what the fuck did you do that for?' i blamed it on them,it was all getting abit much and i had made a total scene!!! we started moving on,as i was puttin on my jacket a spide picked up brown sauce and went to throw....missed me and hit the guy behind me...who wasnt best pleased + im thinking he saw everythin that went on heehee.
=>[:Rá¢?ël:]<= [: If you're leavin' will you take me with you?, I'm tired of talkin on my phone.. :] says: (11:58:53 am)
uhm.. u throwin a drink, then walkin over to em n then them throwin stuff over u
=>[:Rá¢?ël:]<= [: If you're leavin' will you take me with you?, I'm tired of talkin on my phone.. :] says: (11:59:03 am)
n then ur big squinty throw that hit some girl hahah
foodfight! says: (11:59:57 am)
sooo fuck,it was funny
foodfight! says: (12:00:08 pm)
they started it
=>[:Rá¢?ël:]<= [: If you're leavin' will you take me with you?, I'm tired of talkin on my phone.. :] says: (12:00:08 pm)
it was reeli funny