Oct 11, 2004 09:46
Friday me and Sean just chilled out and watched the debate. I wasn't feeling good so I took some medicine and passed out. I woke up in the morning not knowing how I got to bed. Sean said I had passed out next to him on the couch and as soon as the debate was over I sat up and walked into the bedroom. He asked where I was going and I didn't respond. Then when he came in to go to bed I kept squirming so he couldn't kiss me goodnight. He said he went to the living room and started to play video games and heard me say I was sorry so he came to bed. I don't remember any of this. Benadryl really fucks me up. Hahaha
Saturday we drove out to Delray Beach to stay with some of Sean's friends. OMG they had the cutest little baby named Jake. Every time I would tickle him he would just smile. I think that Sean's friend was trying to freak us out because whenever I would hold the baby he would say "You guys would look cute with a baby" or he would say "you would make a good mother" and I would just laugh. Sean took me out for lobster and we went wine tasting. Sean was sweet he offered to buy me a bottle. They had some really good flavors like Pina Colada, Mango, Tangerine, and Mixed Berry. After dinner we went bar hopping.
The town was so wonderful, its small enough that everyone knows everyone. The people are very friendly and say "hi" when you pass by. There was only one main street through town. Everywhere we went we could walk to. There were cute little shops all down main street, tons of restaurants and a really awesome pizza shop with the best pizza I have ever had.
Sunday we walked down to the beach and laid out in the sand. The water was warm enough to go into and swim in. Sean kept picking me up on his shoulders and throwing me into the waves. IT was so much fun. We went to the pizza shop after and then went and hung out with his friends until we had to leave.
Me and Sean got so sunburned and I am hurting all over my back but the whole trip was worth it. Sean's friends are awesome they were so nice and fun to hang out with. There such a cute little family and it was fun getting to see Sean having boy time.