Mar 02, 2010 15:19
Because I want to!
Had to renew my mensa membership this week, is it odd that I feel socially strange even amongst fellow mensans? Maybe its just some kind of asbergers, I do get along with some people, but even that is to a limit.
Being back in ohio is strange, its like 2 years in california didnt even happen, but I'm older and gas is more expensive.
I'm going to go back to school, took me around 6 years to finally get over high school. Its not that high school was bad or something that continued to effect my life after I left. It just put me off of school as a whole, I didnt want any part of college. Especially since they've turned from learning institutions into money vacuums.
I dont need some degree to tell me I'm smart. I dont feel like I belong on this planet, or even in this time period. I just try to get by on some simple pleasures and activities I like to do.
I still keep thinking, that hopefully I can make a difference, somehow make people wake up.