creative writing poc

Sep 25, 2010 23:41

"so how are you guys going to handle the check tonight?" The waitress asked as she stopped by the table. I looked up fairly surprised, it didn't seem like we had been at the La Rumba's that long.
"I'm going to get mine" I started to say just as Justin said:
"I've got this covered." we stared at each other for a few long moments.
"you're not buying my dinner on the first date." I said.
"so i'm just going to let you pick up your meal, what kind of guy does that." he replied flashing me that smile. It was the smile that he flashed me when we meet in the foyer. It was slightly crooked, his lips were too thin, and he had a gap between his front teeth. I guess it was just dorky enough that I couldn't help but smile back. Anytime he smiled as he said something I would get the urge to just agree with him, when he said that he liked the move Avatar: the Last Airbender, and I was appalled beyond belief, he smiled and I instantly like the move more. He had me saying that science couldn't possibly be as hard as I was making it out to be, despite the fact that I had withdrawn from three previous biology classes. Although that could also be because he had promised that he would tutor me. He had also convinced me that computers could be run better if you didn't threaten them with violence or just turn them off every time the programs froze.
"do you need me to come back when you've figured this out?" the waitress asked, she was starting to look mildly annoyed at the whole exchange.
"No," I said to her before turning to Justin " you'd be the kind that lets the girl feel good about her self, and her independence." I said smiling back. I wasn't going to let his smile get me again. I was going to win this argument.
"really?" he asked "I just thought that girls like the whole chivalry thing, opening doors, pulling chairs out," he paused "paying the bill, seriously I've got this covered."
I sighed, "if I say you can get this it doesn't mean that I'm not capable." I relented. Damn that smile.
He smiled and pulled out a credit card, he gave it over to the waitress, who took it away.
"it wasn't that hard, was it" he said while we waited for the girl to come back with he receipt.
"I guess not." I mumbled rolling my eyes. "do you feel like a proper gentleman now?"
"I think I do." The waitress returned and we got up, walking to the entrance together.
"so" he said fiddling with the edges of his jacket "do you think we could do this again." He looked at me, and smiled slightly.
I smiled back a bit, wanting to give in.
"I don't think this is going to work out." I said instead.
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