So, I just can't figure it out...

Apr 13, 2006 17:41

It doesn't make any sense to me. Why am I the counselor? Why does everyone cry to me about thier lonlinesses? Don't they think I'm lonely too? Don't they realize that crying to me about being alone will just remind me of how desperately alone I am? But the differance is: I'm stuck this way. Everyone else can meet someone, or find him, or woo her. But I'm engolfed. Why can't I be fleeting? This is bullshit. I thought that if I took a buddhist perspective on it, and thought that love isn't that grand of a thing anyway, and that there's no reason for me to be upset about not having it, that it wouldn't bother me. But it didn't work. Because I look around me and see everyone else I know in love. And it bites me. Right behind the ear. With pincers. So damnit people!!! Don't bitch at me because you don't have the balls to go out there and exhibit good taste in the oppisite sex! Get off your ass, find a good person (there's lots out there). Don't be so GODDAMNED PICKY!!!!! And LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!
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