Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated this. Well to catch everyone up: I lost the job, my car got smashed, Dominyk was taken away for about a week or two, we're being evicted, I have until March 1st to find somewhere to go before I'm homeless again, Daryl tried raping someone and when it didn't work he fucked us all, we're it not for the
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You've got like an hour, so just print and go one word at a time.
Well, a GED will get you into a Comunity College, which is cool. I'm working on finishing up at HFCC this year so I can transfer. Basicly you've got the choice:
GED and flipping burgers.
Associates and Being the head burger flipper.
Bachelors and being upper lower class/lower middle.
Masters get's you solid middle class (so long as it's not fine arts or that kind of thing).
If you're willing to work outside the USA there's a lot of opprotunities.
For example, I'm geting a bachelors in Secondary English Education (aka, highschool English Teacher) but am going to teach in Japan. Normally I'd start at around 30 grand a year here, after another year of being a teachers aid and once I can get tenure (2-4 more years); and not in Michigan, because there are no teaching Jobs, I'd have to move out west to Utah or Kansas in all reality.
Instead I'll be teaching through these guys:
Start off around 32 grand a year. Once I get a few years of experince I can go to China and teach for the Chineese Government for around 65-70. Also, since the econemy is much different, 65-70 there is like making 120-150 grand here. That will allow me to only work 6 months a year and live comfortably.
Being American and speaking English is a asset in it's self if you can figure out how to exploit it. Lots of options out there so long as you don't limit yourself.
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