Oct 15, 2003 02:11
It's 2:15AM and I'm pretty bored. I think I'm about to go to bed, but I'm in the mood to write something--anything, really.
Josh came over tonight and we played the longest and most difficult multiplayer scenario I've ever played on Timesplitters. We were an hour into it and I was losing focus and motivation to continue, mainly because it was the same thing over and over and over. We'd exit our base and seconds later we would die. Everytime we would come within inches of our goal (which wasn't often), we'd get shot to pieces. It was absolutely impossible. Josh, however, was completely determined to beat the challenge. He turned to me and said something to the effect of "Don't let the game overcome the gamer, Nick." He told me to find something inside me worth fighting for...and I did. I found something rather quickly and it filled me with this insane sensation. I grabbed the controller and played anew. We threw around ideas...and within 5 minutes we had accomplished the goal. We reached the waterfall...
But there was something about the way he said "Don't let the game overcome the gamer" that hit me pretty deeply. And then that sensation that followed was odd and cool and strange and fantastic. That's the best I can describe it. Minutes after, we accomplished something relatively minor, yet completely relevant. Thank you, Josh. You made something of an otherwise useless night.
To conclude, I've fallen in love with a song by System of a Down, called Streamline. I can't stop myself from listening to it about 15 times a day.