So, my computer runs Windows 7, and Windows Update has been a real chore to run for the past few months. It takes for-bloomin-ever! Last night, I started it up--and five hours later, it was still stuck in the same place, with no apparent progress having been made. Frustrating.
Fortunately, I'd used some of that time to do a little poking around on the internet, and I found an article which has a cure for the problem! Yay! has directions on how to speed up Update which are pretty clear, pretty straightforward, not too complicated, and WORKED. For me, anyway. It's a matter of downloading five specific Microsoft update patches manually, stopping the Windows Update process (clear instructions provided), installing those updates, and then installing another MS update patch. Re-boot, and you're done.
That last "magic" update seems to change monthly, but there's a link to a site which lets you know which one you need.
I ran WU again after following the directions, and it took all of 15 minutes. Whee! The only thing I have any problem with is that the directions don't specify that you ought to create a restore point before installing those updates you've downloaded, but that really probably ought to be a given.
Crossposted. See also Please feel free to comment here or there.