Feb 08, 2005 20:45
phase 1: privatize Social Security Insurance COMPLETELY, however, government regulation and enforcement of the same. (mandatory fixed percentage contribution to an account, only accessible to the person who worked for that money or his/her heirs)
phase 2: privatize welfare similarly, (i pay into it, i get the benefit when i lose my job. the funds run out? i'm Shit out of Luck)
phase 3: cut subsidies to groups and countries (farmers, power companies, the UN, china) spend that money on improving our education systems (pre-k thru PHD) (groups also includes touchy feely BS groups, fundMENTAList religious, ethnic agenda advancement and eco-terrorists)
phase 4: HEAVILY promote making an opinion AFTER you've looked at all sides. (even i'm guilty of skipping this step)
i see no reason to pay for someone else's life, death, retirement, ill-health or bad decision making.
i see no reason to make someone else pay for any of the same for me.
i see no reason to make bill gates pay a higher percentage then i have to pay. (the same percentage is fair, but he's still paying tons more)
i see a reason for the government to require that "we, the people" have a savings plan, and force us to invest in it every payday, like it or not.
i see a reason for the goverment to NOT be actually in charge of the required savings program.
(open season)