Random 3am update.

Mar 01, 2010 03:42

I'm sick, so it's time to update LJ [for lack of better things to do].

I guess sleep would be a good one, but since I'm unable to get to sleep at the time being, this is the alternative. Hooray?

So I got a a new phone. I like it a lot. About a month ago when I was originally due for an upgrade I had bought the enV Touch but I really just didn't like the touch screen as much as I thought I would. In addition to that I felt like it would get broken so much faster...well, there were just a bunch of reasons I chose to change. Not to mention I think, personally, the red is much more aesthetically pleasing. The full keyboard is new to me, too, which I am growing very fond of. Makes texting so much easier.

I had a very random day on Saturday. I won't go into full detail, but Mandy and I saw a purse/cupon bag theft at Wegmans on Alberta, and my favorite barista at Starbucks gave me their huge bottle of pumpkin spice syrup. So all-in-all good day. Sunday was less so.

Started off with a killer migraine [which I've been getting lately...?]and ended the usual way, so here I am after hours of unpleasantness trying to sleep and failing at it.

Oh yes, I also cleaned the entire apartment-- and put up signs. Like: "Leave the kitchen EXACTLY the way you found it" and "Don't leave food on the stove or in the sink-- 'CAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS"...things of that nature.
I'm not entirely sure if the bleach/pinesol smell added to my sickness, but I'd like to think they were two unrelated happenings.

Well, tomorrow...I don't know.
I hope tomorrow is less sick and more exciting than today was. I took a sick day from work so hopefully that'll do the trick.
Oh, and police school on Tuesday, that's always a highlight of the week.
That's all for now.
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