Nov 12, 2009 12:26
I got paid today, so I want to go do something fun tonight!
Any takers?
Anyway. Today I have to work. Thus the update--again. This morning was absolutely insane but it seems to be going into the afternoon lull at the moment. Calm before the storm more or less. I know we're getting a ton of admissions so my day will probably be pretty busy. I'm going to take that as a good thing, though. The more stuff I have to do the faster time will go, and the quicker I can get the Hell out of here [and don't have to come back until NEXT Thursday! Hooray! It's like a mini-vacation.]
Quick update on my doings. I've been chai-ing/hanging out with Mandy, Catie, and the occasional other the past few nights. Watching old Nickelodeon and getting Starbucks, playing with cats, fun things of that nature.
Last night sensei and I hung out as well. Had to fix my drivers because I'm an idiot and disabled them on my computer...and had no internet for a night. Other than that we had a very enjoyable time. I decided that I don't know anyone who has their life quite as-together as sensei [with the possible exception of Garrett, lol], so I'm turning over all my big life decisions to him! [Just like that episode of Friends...3 guesses as to how I even know that episode exists :p]
What else...
Dying my hair tomorrow. Not so much for the color, but for the extra body. My hair tends to get straw-y when there's not enough...I don't know what to call it. Pigments in it? Whatever you call it, my hair needs more of it to stay silky!
I decided to go a medium reddish brown, so wish me luck with that endeavor! is evil.
I've wasted countless hours on this site. It exploits my love of obscure facts, lists, and history. I'm fairly certain it was made for me, actually. Well, either way it keeps me from reading absolute trash at work, so I guess that's good. At least I'm getting smarter in my downtime.
On a closing note: police school is almost over. I'm very upset over this, I look forward to it every week without fail. I really should just go to school for that kind of thing. Makes absolutely no sense for me to stay here.
As a matter of fact, I just got off the phone with my mom not 2 hours ago after having a: "Mom, I hate this job. I'm not good at it and I hate being here."
...I think she told me to go be a stripper. Or Henry o_o; .
Either way. I think I should enroll in ECC and go from there.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Submit them below in writing, please. ♥