Oct 18, 2009 08:34
Hopefully today will be an improvement on yesterday, and from what I've seen as of yet it will in-fact prove to be the case.
Then again, that's not too hard to do.
Yesterday was pretty damn awful.
As stated in my prior entry I overslept yesterday, then got a bombshell dropped on me within the first hour I was there.
After work I had to drive 2 hours round-trip to Warsaw to pick up H [although I can't much blame him on that one, he was more than correct in calling Mom's friend Kim "terrible", but that's a story for another day]. Even so, didn't make the drive any easier straight-off of work.
Then before bed I decided to comb the cats just to find 4-5 LIVE fleas on them apiece. I have NO idea how this can still be the case! I vacuumed 3 times, put powder on the rugs for 24+ hours, foam-sprayed the ENTIRE apartment, bathed them once in dishsoap, once in flea shampoo, sprayed the furniture with special treatment at least 4 times, changed ALL the sheets, and gave each cat a 1-month serum medication... WHY 3 days later am I still finding them!? I have no idea what to do with that...
Today I have, well...not too much to do. At work until 9pm again, and I got somewhere in the ballpark of 2.5 hours of sleep last night. I'm thinking I may try and cut out a little early, perhaps around 5pm or so. I don't think I can take another full day of this crap, especially on such little sleep.
I guess it all depends on the work load at that point. I'm sure the charge nurse wouldn't mind at all, and I DO have the PTO for something like that. Apparently if you work 6 hours you can go home...
I should do so.
Actually, I'm about 70% positive that's what I'm going to do.
I need to give my nerves a rest, and if I can get paid in the process that would be nice.
I think I'm going to go read some.