I forgot how I got on LJ today, I think it was to comment on some friend's post...
Oh wait, it to look up a contact for
judetherat . Yays.
Okay, so anyway I got started up with school now, taking 3 classes: American Literature, World Geography, and Physics II. Yes. Finally getting into stuff I haven't known since my correspondence course in high school. Which I could have known if I hadn't used the whole year to do one semester's worth of work. Literature looks like it will be okay, but without a book, I've not gotten a chance to read the assignments yet. That however has changed today, as I purchased the text today. Ever notice textbooks are ridiculously priced? At least they give you a chance to sell it back. Where was I? Oh yeah, Literature. The course has a "writing intensive" label on it, so we're expected to do a lot of that. Wow. Forbid the day that we have an English course that doesn't require that. That would be strange. Geography... I have only had one other geography course before: bible geography. Studying Egypt, Israel, and Mesopotamia, with a focus on Israel, is a lot different than studying the world as a whole I'm sure. Nevertheless, that class was fun. This one appears to have potential for that too; I hope its not just in the teaching style, but also in the material. Physics...wait I covered that to start with. D'oh. Oh well. It looks fun, but confusing possibilities with the mathematics. I will need to review my calculus book for what I learned in Calc III.
[edit] I just realized i didn't make this section public on my last post, so here's the gist...
I had cancer, then some surgery. It seems to be all out now.[/edit]
Health-wise, I'm doing better. Healing up, sealing up, and trying to get the stuff I need so I don't get more of that cancer stuff ever. The doctors have said that the chances of this type coming back are somewhere between 20% to 1%, depending on treatment... and I think he said 99% curability rate. The good news is that as of the last test, they didn't find anything more, but of course they'll need to check again later to make sure it doesn't come back. I think I might have mentioned that in my last post, but I'm too lazy and pained to check until after I post this. Pain? Yes. My hand is kinda cramping from typing so much.
*takes a few minutes break for this*
Okay that's better.
Let's see...School, reason I'm on here...Oh, yeah. I recently set up a completely new interface for
orenotter 's website,
OtterComics. I've received many positive comments about the usability and good visual appeal, and all I have done is self-taught knowledge. I think one person even said my work looked professional, so perhaps I should look into possibly doing this as a job, going to school for it . There's money to be made in that. I do highly recommend taking a look around the comic syndicate there, although it still is under reconstruction for a more professional look. (Which I'm glad I pulled off!)
I really should get around LJ more, add some friends, post more often, add comments... There are some other places I ought to go to more often too...forums mostly for those.
And another thing, why can't I ever just make a post about a single thing?