Aug 25, 2006 21:15
I'm back in South Carolina again, in a hotel. Going to check in to college tomorrow, back to a period of silence on this and most IM contacts. Gtalk and some IM services will be avaliable. Mostly I'm excited about seeing my still seems mildly strange to hear myself say that...that I of the least expectations, have a girlfriend. I laughed at the idea a year ago, thinking it would be the last thing to happen to me...but here I am. In love...and it's great and still a wonder. ^._.^
So I'll be around here for awhile. Atleast till thanksgiving.
I'll be praying for all you at CFF, wishing I could join you, but inable. I'll try to pop in around the forums sometime.
Guess that's it. If you know how to contact me, you'll know where to find me. ^._.~
Xyie, signing off for now again.