w00t! Go Steelers!

Nov 17, 2008 00:13

So, I'm not really a big football fan. I only have two teams, one college and one pro. Penn State and the Steelers. And even then all I usually do is just check scores after the game to see if they won. On occasion I'll listen to them or watch the end of them if it's close. I only vaguely listened to today's Steelers game until the last three minutes or so when I went in to watch it.

Down to the wire games are always good to watch the end of and this was that. 10 to 8, Chargers, when I went in, Steelers with the ball. They got in and managed a field goal to set the score 11 to 10, Steelers, with only 12 seconds left. Would have won the game 17 to 10 (fumble recovery from the Chargers first play after the kick return) but the Chargers had a foul that invalidated the fumble and subsequent TD.

No big deal, though. Steelers still won, 11 to 10. First game in the entire history of the NFL to end 11 to 10. Somewhat understandable, though. 11 isn't exactly a normal football score, you know? But yay, Steelers won. <3

On an somewhat unrelated note, I've won Nano again this year.  Early, for once.  Back on the 15th I hit the 50k mark.  w00t!  Going to try for 100k, just to see if I can.  But more than that I'm working to finish the story this year.  I've yet to complete a novel, an original one.  Got plenty of finished fanfictions, nothing original finished yet though.  So that's a priority.  I can't get published without a finished novel and I can't finish a story until I have a finished story to edit into a novel.

And, on a completely unrelated note, I've got a package in the mail on the way to me right now.  Fiancee sent it out Saturday, usually takes about a week to get here from Canada, so starting Friday I will be staking out the mailbox while I await its arrival.  And complaining about the suckiness of the US postal system every time it doesn't show up.  See, the package has an expansion pak for my N64 (which means I'll finally be able to play Perfect Dark again!) as well as a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day (the greatest video game in the history of ever) so, yeah.  Looking foward to that and glad my 50k is at least done already.  I shall have trouble focusing on my writing I think, once I've got CBFD in my hands again.

Right, time to churn out a few more words and then I'm off to game for a little bit before heading to bed.  Played some more Budokai Tenkaichi 3 earlier while dad was on the computer and the game's got me wanting to do a few match-ups again.  Not as good as Budokai 3 but still a fun game.

Oh, speaking of Budokai 3, if anyone out there is interested in getting me a Christmas gift (I will love you forever if you do!) a copy of Infinite World would be the thing to buy me. ^_^
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