(no subject)

Mar 20, 2004 22:27

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Try and remeber my dream from the night before

What was the first pop concert you went to?
Never been to one

What was the worst thing that you did as a child?

ummm.... i still am a child

What is your favourite song?

hmmmm... im not sick but im not well by Rodney Danger

What is your most treasured material possession?

My digital camera ... i love takeing pictures ... or maybe all my stuffed animals i love them so  much

When did you last cry, and why?

Well i think it was tonights ago because i was haveing some problems woth my best friend

What characteristics do you think you've inherited from your parents?
I think i got my moms lazyness and my dads talkitiveness

Are you afraid of failure?

Yes alot od the time i am but once in a wile i couldnt care less

What are you like when you're drunk?

I get really quiet and i let lose so much that last time i was drunk i was makeing out with some 19 year old i dodnt even know.

Pick five words that describe yourself....
Hyper, Self-countious, shy, talkitive, lazy

Is there one piece of criticism that sticks in your mind?

Umm the time i was told that i was to ugly to be in comertials by the adution guy

Do you believe in God?

I believe that there is someone or something that is watching over us but im not sure about all the details

What is your most unpleasant characteristic?

I have a very low self esteem that pisses people off all the time

What is your greatest fear?

That would have to be ... being alone in the darrk or doctors... but make me cry hystercaly and i shake and get chills and its horrible

What ambitions do you still have to fulfil?

I want to be married have a really awesome job and kids

What do you never leave home without? 
I dont no ... nothing special

Who is your best male friend and your best female friend?

JHESSE and i dont no man there all good!

Who would you most like to meet?

I would like to meet..... myself 20 years older

What music would you like to have played at your funeral?

I want some super loud rock music !!! something to get everyone happy!

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see?
I see a girl that has been there watching me for 15 years and knows more about me then i do

What first attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?

If its before i talk to them its the hair!!

What was your favourite subject at school?

Umm i like P.E. and umm lunch?

If you could spend the night with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?

Wow i bet u all know my answer *wink wink*

What is the most embarassing thing you've ever done?

Well once i ran into a fire hydrant and my teacher made me tell it sorry

guys feel free to copie this and put it into your Lj's ........... i want to see all ur answers

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