Whoa... >_> So much posting after I've done did this layout for you.
And maaaaaan... ROOOOOFFFFFFFL That really made my day. Thank you so much. What what have made my day better if that was to actually happen...
I think I was driving along, spotted your van on the side of the road, couldn't get my eyes off it. I jumped out of my car window and amazingly landed on top of your van, ACTION-LIKE! You swiveled and swerved around screaming "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STUPID ASIAN DOING?!". I yelled out "I WANT YOUR ROTI!", while I drooled from the delicious smell of roti and curry.
Btw, I'm DLing episode 39 and 44. I'm just working my way from the middle to the ending, ending to the middle. Haha. D:
rofl yes, pretty pretty layout made me want to post my ass off =[
We were parked on opposite sides of the road...u were jealous because everyone was buying up my roti and only one half korean half haitian was tryna get some free rice. Plus u couldnt resist the call of the curry....so we crashed like bumper cars, u ate some roti off the side of the road, and i stabbed the korean.....=O
Was Sailormoon another form of estrogen blocker? Dunno... Just asking. D:
Also... It's hard to DL the episode before episode 38. No one's seeding the file. I am not happy. You'll get what the whole story's about from middle to ending. You always love saving the ending the most. :X
And maaaaaan... ROOOOOFFFFFFFL That really made my day. Thank you so much. What what have made my day better if that was to actually happen...
I think I was driving along, spotted your van on the side of the road, couldn't get my eyes off it. I jumped out of my car window and amazingly landed on top of your van, ACTION-LIKE! You swiveled and swerved around screaming "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STUPID ASIAN DOING?!". I yelled out "I WANT YOUR ROTI!", while I drooled from the delicious smell of roti and curry.
Btw, I'm DLing episode 39 and 44. I'm just working my way from the middle to the ending, ending to the middle. Haha. D:
We were parked on opposite sides of the road...u were jealous because everyone was buying up my roti and only one half korean half haitian was tryna get some free rice. Plus u couldnt resist the call of the curry....so we crashed like bumper cars, u ate some roti off the side of the road, and i stabbed the korean.....=O
ooooh DL ALL OF THEM! >O
moon healing uterus =[
Was Sailormoon another form of estrogen blocker? Dunno... Just asking. D:
Also... It's hard to DL the episode before episode 38. No one's seeding the file. I am not happy. You'll get what the whole story's about from middle to ending. You always love saving the ending the most. :X
rofl wtf? estrogen blocker? No comprende la pregunta xD
MANG >.< so im gonna b watching this ghetto style then >.>; No problem, just dl as much as u can! >O DAMN NON SEEDERS!
OH btw....we're getting optimum online installed today ;)
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