Jul 24, 2004 19:24
Today was an absolutley horrible day....so was yesterday actually, but not as shitty as today.
First of all the weather is the crappiest it coud possibly be. I despise rainy days so much. Grey overcast skies, no sun, just drab and dreary, stuck inside with nothing to do, nothing at all. Plus yesterday the usual pains ive been dealing with....now today, throw cramps on top of that and im in the worst shape ;______; I couldnt do any of my chores today, so i spent most of the day in bed feeling sick. Then the one time i get up i throw up my breakfast....i have not thrown up in years i tell you....and today is the day i get sick. So after that i just felt crappier, and spent the rest of the day, including now, with a hot compress on my tummy hoping it would ease the pain, which it has somewhat......But i couldnt feel worse, im very very unhappy because i still have so much work to do but im in no shape to even want to think about writing papers and doing research. Thankfully i managed to get some work done yesterday and my papers arent due till weds and thrus but i dont know when im gonna feel better so i can finish/start them....Right now though, i dont care, i just want to sleep.....