Nov 20, 2004 20:32
And now its Awesome!!
This one customer dude some wannabe whiger guy complained about his hamburgers and said they were crap and wanted his money back which I gave him and he went into a rant about how we're a mexican place and don't know how to make hamburgers that well and I said thank you for your comments sir. Then he called me a smartass so I freaked out and told him to burn in hell and get the fuck out and then I kicked the liddle sidedoor that goes into the dining area and yelled get the fuck out and he ran off. Everyone was amazed and thought it was a joke at first then when they found out it was real they thought it was the coolest thing ever and the other manager Luke said in all his years of fast food over 15 he never saw a employee yell at a customer before :D I most likely won't get into trouble for it cause who would think little old me would threaten people? 0:) But really I had to much shite from customers and not gonna take it from some smart mouth yuppie douchebag. Then when I got home I got a call from the movie theatre here where I had two interviews for so far and I got hired and I start tuesday!!! :D Its only part time and it pays minium wage but its easy to rise up there so I'll work both jobs for now untill I'm working fulltime at the theatre and be able to quit Del Taco. Lots of cool people at the theatre cool punker skater type kids so I'll fit in good :D I just need to get my friend Chris a job there now =p