Apr 07, 2003 00:18
Have you ever;
1. Kissed your cousin: uh no
2. Ran away: nope
3. Pictured your crush naked?: yes **blushes**
5. Broken someone's heart: Unfortunally
6. Been in love: Yes
7. Cried when someone died: Yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes
9. Broken a bone: Never
11. Lied: Yes errr no err Yes bah whatever
12. Cried in school: Yes
13. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP: Cherry 7UP
15. Girls or Guys: Girls
16. Flowers or candy: Flowers
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: Clean shaved
18. Quiet or Loud: Quiet
19. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
20. Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy I am so not slutty
21. Taller or shorter: Shorter
22. Pants or Shorts: shorts
23. What do you notice first: their eyes
24. Last person you slow danced with: Uh I think the German exchange student girl that I asked to homecoming who later ditched me
25. Worst Question To Ask: do you love me?
WHAT IS (your favorite):
29. Your Good Luck Charm: my bracelets
30. Person you hate most: Tom Green
32. Colour: Blue
34. Subject in school: History
35. Juice: Apple
36. Cars: anything classic
37. Ice Cream: Rainbow Swirl
39. Season: Autumn
40. Breakfast Food: Cereal
41. Dumbass Questionnaire that didn't have a 41: This one!
42. Favorite food: Pizza
43. Makes you laugh the most: Molk you bastard :p
44. Makes you smile: Linda, My online Friends
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: Linda
46. Has A Crush On You: I think to many :p
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yes
48. Who Has it easier? Kids
49. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Linda :o
50. Kissed the same sex? Uh no
51. Fallen for your best friend?: Yes
52. Been in love?: Yes
53. Been in lust?: Aye
54. Cheated on someone?: No
55. Been cheated on?: Yes :(
56. Been kissed?: Yeah :o
57. Done something you regret?: Yes
58. You touched?: my mum **don't even think it pervs**
59. You talked to?: my mum
60. You hugged?: Linda
61. You instant messaged?: Linda
62. You kissed on the lips?: ....
63. You had sex with?: Molk....damn you for making me say that
64. Who told you they loved you?: Linda
65. Coloured your hair? Yeap plenty of colours
66. Have tattoos? nope
67. Have piercings? nope
68. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/monkey? Girlfriend but a monkey is tempting
69. Own a thong? no ewww
70. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Auch bien die eiser