Jun 10, 2006 18:14
wisdom teeth suck:(
hanging around the house and unable to move, so basically i turn to livejournal bc i cant sit in the same couch for much longer. haha i miss alot of people now..but its awesome to see everyone this summer. alot of kids i havent seen since high school
but what im always reminded of is that plymouth=drama. there is no better or more truthful equation. its ridiculous. i think its over and done with, but no, something else pops up that i apparently get myself in the middle of. times like this i wish i wasnt home. but i love it here. ahh well. looks like its gonna be one of those summers again. soon enough ill be back at the zoo with all of you guys again.
so, trying to get all my plymouth crew in before i gotta head back. get at me if u wanna hang out. im turning into a night owl.
ps. myspace is one interesting website. lol